Face Pics

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15 September 2014
For us it is the professional discretion thing and yes in an ideal world we would be only too happy to put up face pics ( in a private folder) especially on SS , BUT , it's far from an ideal world .
The concerns we have aren't with the site or any of the members , it's the Internet and although we have no doubt everything than can be done to ensure the security of the site is being done there are no 100% guarantees that any site can't be hacked .
Yes I think that our decision is detrimental to the reason we are here in the first place and yes we have supplied the face pic for photo verification (kinda hoping they are deletead after verification) but it just makes us feel a bit more comfortable if we don't put our faces on the sites.
Actually having my face on (Mr666) would be even more detrimental, apparently unicorns are frightened by ugly men with beards .
I for one, totally and completely understand.
Even though this is our site fact is your point is not who/what/when but what if. What if this site or any other site for that matter, got hacked or someone slipped through the net and lifted your pics.
Whilst we do all we can, nothing online is 100% secure. Not even MI5/MI6 CIA/FBI etc. They've all been hacked.

As the general saying goes, if you don't want anyone to know anything personal about you on the net, then don't upload photos and don't post personal information on the net in the first place.
So while my instinct is to defend the site, and state why you can - I also completely understand why you're cautious in doing so.

Now then, in other news, who has face pics but isn't PV? Hmm? :whistle: :whistle: :sneaky:
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11 August 2015
Ok being photo verified is a great idea as it should give other members some confidence that that member is genuine. Yes everything can be faked but we do spend a lot of time trying to ensure that we keep the members here as safe as it is possible for us to do.
27 May 2016
We haven't, and won't add, face pics to any albums, for our own reasons, but have shared in private message prior to meets.

And, actually, it's surprising how easy it is to recognise someone, on a social meet for example, just from their 'other bits' (not THOSE bits!).....


There's a girl who works part time at my wifes hotel. She also has a job delivering party food, of which one customer is our local swinger club. She has endless amounts of fun describing what the swingers get up to and what perverts they are! Alas people, it's idiots like her who make our fellow swingers a bit reluctant to show their faces! It's also a reason why we've never used that club. Mickey's spoken to the club but this stupid child is still delivering there! Once we start putting more explicit pics up we will probably hide our faces too!
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1 August 2015
North Walsham
We did have face pics on our old profile here open to any member to view, only because this site is so well run and policed by Admin who have our interests at heart so didn't worry about it, and on that note we will get some more on which will be open to any members to view.
27 May 2016
We did have face pics on our old profile here open to any member to view, only because this site is so well run and policed by Admin who have our interests at heart so didn't worry about it, and on that note we will get some more on which will be open to any members to view.

As well policed as any site is, it's all too easy to screenshot & share. It's lovely to think we can trust all of the members here, but what of all those "genuine" profiles that arrive one day, and are never seen again?
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15 September 2014
We did have face pics on our old profile here open to any member to view, only because this site is so well run and policed by Admin who have our interests at heart so didn't worry about it, and on that note we will get some more on which will be open to any members to view.
As well policed as any site is, it's all too easy to screenshot & share. It's lovely to think we can trust all of the members here, but what of all those "genuine" profiles that arrive one day, and are never seen again?
Of course, you have to be careful in any form of electronic communications and that applies to all and sundry, let alone just this site.
Fact is, with anything online - don't want it seen? Then don't upload it as there is always a way to lift things. Always. No matter how well the site is policed and regardless of how vigilant we and yourselves, are.
That said, if you want to actually get somewhere in this lifestyle then at some point - you will have to share face pics, as it's inevitable. (in most cases)

Deleted member 2610

When I first joined SS I was very reticent about putting up a face picture...what if someone recognised me, would it effect my job and mmm shy...
Since then what the hell I'm ok with my life style and as previously mentioned have told my children about it, plus friends, so if someone recognises me then say hello...
Work well if I'm on here and they recognise me...maybe some fun..
People copying them...feel free you want too then your sad and desperate to copy this ugly mug...
Shy yes still am...coming out of my shell :whistle:...
I trust @Admin 100% and his knowledge of security to protect us...if we need protecting...
Face painting picture to appear today xxxx :eek:
7 January 2017
I'm still unsure about face pics. Reading the topic here, and can see both sides of the argument and agree with everything said.
Personally I'd rather not post face pics, but photo verifications along with written ones on profiles give a good indication that members are genuine. And besides, the people who I'd want to meet or have already met know what I look like.
I always look at profile verifications, if they're genuine and gave met people, great. If not, I'm a but more cautious.
18 October 2015
We do not post face pics but are happy to provide them if asked and comfortable. However any that we do provide are ones that are freely available to view on Facebook by our friends, family and contacts. We just feel that we have a get out of jail free card to claim that our pictures may have been lifted from elsewhere should the need arise. Not sure if this makes sense or not but it's still early....

Deleted member 3175

Why don't people put face pics up?

I believe that if you are on a swinging site and are looking to meet others you should have these pics, in a private album of course if you wish.

I received a lovely message here saying "we would never show our face pics on another site as we don't trust it but here we feel safe"

Members here have moderator tools to create privacy settings as they see fit so why not have face pics??

We have loads of photos that we have set to people we follow and our faces are in our albums.

We have members here from all professions which I won't go into but you would have a shock, they all have face pics in a private album.

So why not have face pics?

To be honest most of the people on here have seen bits of me no-one else so I'm all for face pics! I try to smile but can sometimes look a little gormless! :stress::flutter: S xx


I agree and know how sensitive some jobs are, if I told you some of the professions here you would have a shock but my point is, members have the security to set albums to complete privacy and share them with whom they wish, even just one person for example.
I don't get why people don't smile tbh :D
I smile.....well only when I have my falsies in. I have a face only a mother could love but tbh you're all gonna see it at some point. Get your face on peeps, you'll increase your prospects ten fold. And I personally prefer to see a face first before a pair of banana splits or your Bob n Annie. :)


15 September 2014
So all of our piccies are public? :eek:

Oh well.... plenty of disappointed people out there once they look! Haha

I find taking pics extremely hard, we are both scared of the camera, both look like we need a holiday (passport pics) but have been trying to get some new ones done for the purpose of letting people know what we look like.
Public in so much as - available to those who have gallery access.
If you make albums, you have the option to manage the privacy then.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
24 November 2015
I have my mush on show and as anyone close to me knows im on a swingers site and have done for years now ,then im comfortable with my face pics being seen by others , I once had a neighbour recognise me off another site he was like omg I saw your face pic on show couldnt believe youd show ya face , I just said so what you've just told me you're on there too what a fool ,
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I can see both sides of the argument here.
We have lots of face pics, All our albums are set to people we follow only.. i usually choose very carefully whom we follow.. unless I'm having a reckless day :D.
The way i see it.. i/we would never consider meeting someone without swapping face pics..
But the sad thing is no matter what securities, you I or infact this/any site put in place..* and on this site are extremely secure, newbies are encouraged! To load media.. and photo verify themselves.. etc etc...you are giving so many options on your albums... *
Once loaded.. they are out there.. in that great cyber space..
People are free to screenshot anything... xx


I get recognised enough as it is without advertising my mush..
I will show my ugly face once I have trapped the feckers..
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26 July 2016
Ok so lots of new folks and some old ones gone (far be it from me to say fakes)
So what's members thoughts now on showing face pics to anyone who cares to look on here - Thinking we would be happy to do it if others thought so too
24 November 2015
I have never had a problem showing my face on here ,also I do not feel the need to hide my pictures in private albums either after all the aim of the game so to speak is to meet like_minded people .although I do see why some people hide face pics due to where they work ect

Deleted member 6684

Why don't people put face pics up?

I believe that if you are on a swinging site and are looking to meet others you should have these pics, in a private album of course if you wish.

I received a lovely message here saying "we would never show our face pics on another site as we don't trust it but here we feel safe"

Members here have moderator tools to create privacy settings as they see fit so why not have face pics??

We have loads of photos that we have set to people we follow and our faces are in our albums.

We have members here from all professions which I won't go into but you would have a shock, they all have face pics in a private album.

So why not have face pics?
I don't know why others would hide their faces. I have face pics and don't see an issue with me sharing it in my album
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