I for one, totally and completely understand.For us it is the professional discretion thing and yes in an ideal world we would be only too happy to put up face pics ( in a private folder) especially on SS , BUT , it's far from an ideal world .
The concerns we have aren't with the site or any of the members , it's the Internet and although we have no doubt everything than can be done to ensure the security of the site is being done there are no 100% guarantees that any site can't be hacked .
Yes I think that our decision is detrimental to the reason we are here in the first place and yes we have supplied the face pic for photo verification (kinda hoping they are deletead after verification) but it just makes us feel a bit more comfortable if we don't put our faces on the sites.
Actually having my face on (Mr666) would be even more detrimental, apparently unicorns are frightened by ugly men with beards .
Even though this is our site fact is your point is not who/what/when but what if. What if this site or any other site for that matter, got hacked or someone slipped through the net and lifted your pics.
Whilst we do all we can, nothing online is 100% secure. Not even MI5/MI6 CIA/FBI etc. They've all been hacked.
As the general saying goes, if you don't want anyone to know anything personal about you on the net, then don't upload photos and don't post personal information on the net in the first place.
So while my instinct is to defend the site, and state why you can - I also completely understand why you're cautious in doing so.
Now then, in other news, who has face pics but isn't PV? Hmm?