Favourite Biscuit?

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But did he start the great Jaffa cake debate .... or should that be debacle :D
If @Lovernotfighter had not started the thread in the first place, then there wouldn't have been the riots about other things, you've all seen how these so called friendly marches start on the news and end up in a riot,
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15 September 2014
Yes, but he went missing during the Jaffa Cake Riots back on page 2! :eek:

Ah yes, the jaffa cake riot of page 2. Kids today don't know they're born....

He's one of them there agent provocateurs, inee?
Moi!? Never.... :D
Not like these enlightened page 6 times, when you can openly talk about cheesecakes.
I feel so liberated right now and free.
It's like - Free the Mc'Vities!!
Or is that allow Ze Jaffa to be how they know, deep down, what they really are. Poor dabs.
They know they're biscuits but the MD and Co have put them into a identity crisis as mini cakes.

Set the Jaffa Free!
Right.... I'm gonna get a brew and a Jaffa biscuit.
Doesn't sound quite right does it?
Ah well move over naughties. The Teenies are in.