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1 September 2018
If we,re talking swinging fears then yes of course the fear of not meeting others expectations
Real life then its got to be birds
I LOVE birds so much, and can't understand how it's possible to be afraid of them, and yet I know so many who are. G's brother has a scorpion and other freaky shit that i can't grasp as a pet, so i guess it's the same. I rescue & rehabilitate wild birds every spring. Had a crow in my bathroom for almost 3wks last spring. 3 attempts to release before he (Clarence) finally decided to leave. Twice I've helped juvenile Seagulls build themselves up in our garden, safe from foxes and vehicles until they fly away.
I also am a proud mum to my feathered baby, a parrot named Mojito. She is free to fly around the house all day, only going in her cage at night for her own safety.
I guess one person's fear can easily be another's passion. A bit like anal (NOT FOR ME!) XxRy
24 November 2015
I used to have a tarantula who had free reign in the spare bedroom and i have an amazing friend who keeps lizards,snakes and other reptiles ,
26 October 2018
Awww that’s fab, I found this in my garden apparently it’s a Californian Quail from New Zealand , and no I couldn’t work that out either !!

1 September 2018
Awww that’s fab, I found this in my garden apparently it’s a Californian Quail from New Zealand , and no I couldn’t work that out either !!

View attachment 63708
LOL. Is that a Quail from New Zealand that lives in California but on holiday here, or a Californian Quail that lives in New Zealand but has got lost on its way home.

That reminds me of the south park episode with the mexican staring frog of south sri lanka.
Reactions: Pearls
1 September 2018

Spent the last 10yrs facing and battling my fears head on in a bid to suppress anxiety which had started to risk destroying our relationship. My biggest fears were flying (planes, obvs), needles (was restrained for blood test during pregnancy, took mum and midwife to pin me down), fire and flood - both of which I genuinely believed would happen to our house if we left the country. And stairs.
During a serious health scare G decided we must make memories for the kids and booked a trip to Florida. To conquer my fear of planes I had to face something else. I became a blood donor, to see if I could overcome it by thinking of the good it made rather than the fear I had. The 1st flight I used that same mind set to think of the benefit to our kids if G died.
I've donated 12 times.
I've made 45 flights.
I still fucking hate stairs.
10 July 2018
I am terrified of horses... Genuinely am totally frightened of them, as you know.
I know a young woman who is absolutely enthralled by horses; her fella hates them, scares shitless of the big buggers. Even the ‘horse smell’ terrifies him. When she comes home from riding horses, she has to immediately have a shower with strong smellie stuff to eliminate it before she’s allowed near him.
19 March 2015

My friend, I totally relate. I am genuinely petrified of them. A total, utter fear. I will cross the road or even change routes to avoid them.
I can really understand his stance there. The smell alone would make me judder.

What I can't work out is, I have ridden horses as a child and attended many football matches with (let's face it - they're HUGE) police horses present, but I am deeply petrified of them.
Their eyes, their size, their hooves, legs... smell.. and what concerns me is I know animals smell fear. So when I am near a horse, I know they know I am terrified. That makes them more irrational, which in turn escalates my own fear.
It's honestly, the only thing in life I am absolutely terrified of. I can't even go near one. Yet I know they're close to us as they can be. They're loyal, loving, gentle... Terrified. Really genuinely am.
10 July 2018
I am deeply petrified of them.
I’ve known some people who’ve [successfully] undertaken various therapies in order to conquer fears… flying, spiders, and heights are three that spring to mind.

IF the fear genuinely is ruining someone’s life, I’d say ‘try everything’. If it’s not, if it’s merely an inconvenience at best (as mine with bees/wasps is), then sod it; accept it and move on.
Reactions: Therapon
19 March 2015
I've been scared of bees & wasps, bees moreso as I am allergic to them. I found that out the hard way lol.
But horses, honestly brother - I am fekin terrified. The only thing in life that really, really terrifies me. I can't explain enough how much they genuinely scare me. Not a typical irrational fear, but a deep rooted fear. I can't go near one for pure concern over the animals instinct in knowing I am scared.
Oddly, I have a few pics of being a child and horse riding.. but for most of my teen/adult life; they scare me. No incident, no football hooliganism, no rioting.. nothing naughty.. just petrified.
Reactions: GeoffRy and Pearls


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Spiders I hate them with a passion and make my skin crawl, mice because when I lived at my mums they got in way to often for my liking and terrorised me and ran around my room at night. May I say I wasn't scared of mice until one day I was reading a book on my bed and I looked around and the damn furry terrorist was right next to me. I gave out a scream and I went one way and mouse went the other. I literally slept downstairs for 3 months until I gradually managed to sleep in that room again. Heights I can't stand either make me feel odd and like I'm going to fall. Other than that I'm fine

Reactions: Therapon and Pearls
1 September 2018

Its their giant horse cocks that unnerve you. That and the well known fact that Horses are in league with those nasty smelly badgers and their dastardly plot to steal all our winter food stores. Its one thing that our French cousins have gotten right kill em and eat em. Xx G
Reactions: Pearls
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