Get yer Tatts out for the lads

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9 September 2017
Although they could be a fetish to a few, I wouldn't say it is myself....
BUT they can have a "kinky" theme.
I'm talking tattoos, of course.

I've got a few (mainly in discrete areas).
You don't get a lot of computer systems analysts wandering around with a tattoo of a woman's pierced clit on their face (although ironically I love the thought of a woman with a pierced clit sitting on my face :sneaky:)

Anyway, my tattoos, like most people reflect the stage of life I was at the time.

The first picture is of a tattoo I had on my wrist around 20 years ago (and I still love it)
I remember it took me months of research as I wanted to be certain it said precisely what I wanted it to say
Not easy when it's Sindarin Elvish written in a Tengwar script. :palm:
It says "Nos Nin, Nos Meleth, Nos Cuil, Nos Mellin "
Which means "My Family, My Friends, My love, My life"


The second one on show is from around 12 years ago when I was heavily into the dance and rave scene (and NO I wasn't too bloody old!! :mad: You don't stop dancing because you get old, you get old because you stop dancing)

Anyway, there's a massively famous dance "collective" (that's massively famous amongst hardcore dancers and ravers that is, nobody else could give a toss of course) :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

They were called CircoLoco and were the resident DJs at a very long-running club in Ibiza called DC10.
It was hugely successful partly because it actually opened early in the morning and ran throughout the day, obviously all the other "night" clubs were closed.
So it catered for all those that, having danced right through the night, still had far too much energy to even contemplate sleep. ?
I heard rumors that there may have been some sort of artificial stimulants doing the rounds but my lips are sealed. :cool:

Anyway, the Circoloco "brand" was represented in the form of a clown's face with a tongue women loved and men wished they possessed :p

This pic is of a girl I spent some time with and as you can see we definitely had more than one interest in common :blowjob:


and... at last, here's my tribute to them...... (she wears a vest that I bought for her, and I spent many hours having needles put in my back )

Ant's Tattoo & Poster.png

And my final one brings us pretty up to date.
I had this one done about 4-5 years ago and I guess it proves a couple a couple of things.
1. The older I get, the pervier and kinkier I've become :Ohyessir:
2. And I don't care who knows it ???

It's on my thigh and she's very well behaved now she knows who her master is... :Ohyessir::Ohyessir::Ohyessir:

Bondage Tattoo.png

I'd love to see what works of art adorn the sexy bodies of you kinky folk

Antogs xx
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18 July 2015
I’m not for them, especially bodies that are covered. Shoot me down but ladies plastered in sleeves on every limb just isn’t lady like for me. Men have lovely bodies without them being covered head to toe, I just see rough and a trend that’s being copied. I had one on my wrist done, five letters which is personal but can be covered. They’re just not for me especially the tribal look from head to toe.. What’s that all about?
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Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
The first one I had done was just after I was cleared of cancer. It was to remind myself where I was from,and what I had achieved. I didn't want the traditional white rose so put my own spin on it.
The 2nd what the Shawshank redemption quote. It sort of describes me and the fact i'm not the sort of person who needs to be caged in by the normality of every day relationships and stuff.
The 3rd is Fleetwood mac lyrics to my favourite song Everywhere. My dad always said that real music lovers could never pick a favourite song of all time, but I did
I personally wouldn't have tattoos on my arms, or anywhere that could be seen all the time. I didn't get mine for display, I got mine as little reminders of special things x
9 September 2017
I’m not for them, especially bodies that are covered. Shoot me down but ladies plastered in sleeves on every limb just isn’t lady like for me. Men have lovely bodies without them being covered head to toe, I just see rough and a trend that’s being copied. I had one on my wrist done, five letters which is personal but can be covered. They’re just not for me especially the tribal look from head to toe.. What’s that all about?

Beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder :)

A bit like art, in my opinion, there are tattoos that I think look horrendous and tattoos that I think look absolutely stunning and a gorgeous treat for the eyes.
On women, I can find some that look cheap and nasty and some that look very sexy.
Depends on the woman, the situation, and the quality and beauty of the tattoo.

Don't know about you but wouldn't put me off :sneaky::p

Just as an aside I do agree that some people are not the brightest and will simply follow a trend. Hence all those big hairy-arsed men walking about covered in identical "tribal" tattoos that were very popular some years back (my sincere apologies for any man out there who has one of these and still loves it) that's why I wanted to tell the story and meaning behind each of mine.
They all took a lot of time and thought, they all mean something special to me and, I can promise you, they are all absolutely unique :)

One last thing, whilst I would defend anyone's absolute right to do whatever they like with their own bodies, like you I'm not keen on mine being permanently on public display. As I mentioned, all of mine are in discrete places on my body as I had them done for me and I'm able to choose who and when they will be seen (after all, I know what my mum would say about my bondage-themed one LOL)

love you loads,
Antogs xx


18 July 2015
Beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder :)

A bit like art, in my opinion, there are tattoos that I think look horrendous and tattoos that I think look absolutely stunning and a gorgeous treat for the eyes.
On women, I can find some that look cheap and nasty and some that look very sexy.
Depends on the woman, the situation, and the quality and beauty of the tattoo.

Don't know about you but wouldn't put me off :sneaky::p
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Just as an aside I do agree that some people are not the brightest and will simply follow a trend. Hence all those big hairy-arsed men walking about covered in identical "tribal" tattoos that were very popular some years back (my sincere apologies for any man out there who has one of these and still loves it) that's why I wanted to tell the story and meaning behind each of mine.
They all took a lot of time and thought, they all mean something special to me and, I can promise you, they are all absolutely unique :)

One last thing, whilst I would defend anyone's absolute right to do whatever they like with their own bodies, like you I'm not keen on mine being permanently on public display. As I mentioned, all of mine are in discrete places on my body as I had them done for me and I'm able to choose who and when they will be seen (after all, I know what my mum would say about my bondage-themed one LOL)

love you loads,
Antogs xx
Tbh in my eyes the body is beautiful enough without them, then that’s just me. I saw a photo of a young woman this morning with fifteen piercings and Tatts all over her face… Rank ?