Hello and welcome again...Hi we are Cip and Dia . Xxx
This is the other mad one, I am normal xxWelcome guys.
It's a really great site. X
He hoovers people for a living in a black backxxI take it more as a serious hobby rather than a giggle
Bibanice and Bibanormal xxI am a different girl.. To the one yesterday. X
Shushxx@Pears, now place nice scnuggley-Wuggley, or i'll get the hoover out
BibaChameleonI am a different girl.. To the one yesterday. X
Get back to your cage you xxI'm normal. See? Normal.
The rest are raving lunatics.
The lunatics have definitely taken over the asylum here.
Spam? what spam.. This is not - I state again - NOT a welcome thread hijack.
I promise
Shnuffle Wuffle.. Get it right now..@Admin it was your schnuggley- wuggley who started it, i was just defending myself
I never wanted to be a shuffle whuffleShnuffle Wuffle.. Get it right now..
I was getting to like you xah right, i will copy and save it for future blackmail
All by myself xxaww . . . anyway, where is you partner in crime this morning ?
It was them xHello @cipdia and welcome. I see the locals have spammed your thread already, typical
It was them x
I'd suggest this tooAh right ok. So you are saying the other 10 posts from Pearls weren't from Pearls. Someone has hacked your profile, best report it to Admin.