
  • Thread starter Sassy_but_Classy
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15 September 2014
Hello Miss Sassy,
A warm welcome from me again to the site, I hope you enjoy and have fun here. Love the pics and thank you for taking the time to write an introduction to everyone.

Well again a warm welcome from me, enjoy and have fun. :)
Admin :) x

Ps tell your friends about us and we'll look after your account upgrades for you :love: x


Hello Miss Sassy,
A warm welcome from me again to the site, I hope you enjoy and have fun here. Love the pics and thank you for taking the time to write an introduction to everyone.

Well again a warm welcome from me, enjoy and have fun. :)
Admin :) x

Ps tell your friends about us and we'll look after your account upgrades for you :love: x
Thank you and will do!
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