Helloooooo From Nawfik

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15 September 2014
Welcome . I have to admit after using other sites (which of course I won't mention here) I have found ss to be much less pushy no messages from single men who have just joined aimed squarely at the female of the couple .. So I'd like to say a big Ty to @Pearls @Admin
Thank you both so much. We have worked our backsides off getting it where it is, we have a good team of staff behind us but most of all - we have appealed to the right people - you, because of the way we do things which appeals to genuine and friendly people.

Thank you so much for the kind words, when we get feedback like this, we know it's worth it.


Thank you both so much. We have worked our backsides off getting it where it is, we have a good team of staff behind us but most of all - we have appealed to the right people - you, because of the way we do things which appeals to genuine and friendly people.

Thank you so much for the kind words, when we get feedback like this, we know it's worth it.
Creep... lol
Thanks.. it takes a fair bit of behind the scenes juggling.. but you barmy lot are our priorities.. :D xx