Hey.. New Here. Mr&mrs Want Fun X

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30 October 2015
Just catching up so sorry for the lateness of the post

Welcome and hope you have fun a frolics
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15 August 2015
Hi guys great profile, would love to assist Shaun with you sometime but seems you're not looking for guys, never mind. Enjoy yourself here it's stress free fun! x


15 September 2014
Hey guys,
We're new to this but know what we want. deffo want a threesome and couple swap. we live in dorset and can never seem to find anyone near by to meet and greet.. have a few drinkies and have a laugh xx
Hello and welcome to Social Swinging.
I don't know why I've not welcomed you sooner as I usually welcome people as soon as their posts go up, but I have been very busy so maybe that's why.. Sorry for the late welcome.

Anyway, I can see you're already settling in and enjoying, as I say to everyone - be active, remain active and far you will go.
Also we're still only a baby so still growing and building up our numbers.
Hope you're enjoying so far....
Best wishes
Admin x
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