Holidays in Tunisia?

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15 September 2014
Hello all,
Are you planning to go to Tunisia soon for hols? If so cancel them now!

If you've not heard - the foreign office are trying to bring back 3,000 Brits currently abroad there as a second terrorist threat is imminent!
Our government is trying to get them all back home to Blighty asap.

Don't go there guys. Unless you want to really allow the risk!?
I would write this in off topic, but best suited for public for any forumites we have ;)


It is such a shame, feel so sorry for the locals out there. As you know we have recently returned, and it makes us so sad that this has happened. Can't help thinking that we are giving in to terrorists, but guess should always err on the side of caution xx
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15 September 2014
Yes indeed, I'm just glad you came back when you did both. I worry for the people out there right now, the government are trying to get them all out now.

Thing is, Libya is too close and the threat is so extremely dangerous.
Sadly it will affect the locals, which is awful as they depend on the tourism trade, to survive.
In one respect, yeah it's like giving in to terrorism. :(
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