If You Could Go Back And Be The Age You Wanted To Be Now What She Would That Be ☺

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As an ex serving and recently retired Army Officer Id like to go back to 2001 and take Blair and Bush out the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan and let them see the real impact of what they did to our boys and girls.


15 September 2014
As an ex serving and recently retired Army Officer Id like to go back to 2001 and take Blair and Bush out the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan and let them see the real impact of what they did to our boys and girls.
Agree and winner if I could. FUBAR (n)(n)

Deleted member 2610

Like so many have said I'm here now and it's made me what I am. If I went back I'd lose all the great things that have happened in my life and those far out weigh the crap that's happened.
Yep regrets but you have them move on and try for fewer as you get older.
One wish, that I'd had the balls early on to live this lifestyle but I'm in it now at last...
Plus going back we wouldn't have SS and I'd never have met you lovely people and made so many new friends..
So happy to stay here please xx (y)
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24 November 2015
If I went back in time id love to take the friends ive made now with me ,but lifes too short so live it till you die and enjoy every moment you breath and awake each morning thinking hell yeah im here another day ;)
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