Illegal Substances.....

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Hic.... Umm, does Cointreau & Lemonade count....? Nope, didnt fink zo...... :giggle:
:D:D:D Lady L drank hers too quickly....... Not very lady like...... (burp...)

Where was I/we...? Naughty.... Well, umm....... What @Pearls ..???? o_O
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15 September 2014
Coke Monster!!! :D I mean... errrmmm cookie monster :oops: o_O

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Bulgin' veins in the side of the head eh Mr I from @Lovers_For_Life

Well, no.... The result of Poppers for me was feeling very hot and flushed, but not much more. And this was supposed to be the good stuff. Hmm... It works for some, but not for me.... Hey Ho... Not to be repeated.

Who started this daft thread..? Lady L is complaining.... No, sorry thats snoring.... :D
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15 September 2014
Hot and flushed, kind of normal... though Poppers aren't what they used to be..
Not that I condone or anything like ofc.. :D


Hot and flushed, kind of normal... though Poppers aren't what they used to be..

I understand, from people who 'know', that its difficult to get the good stuff now. What I tried was the best currently available, I was told. From The Netherlands - ? I will pass, thanks..... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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i also smuggle carrier bags into Wales and sell them cheap, but stockpiling them at the moment for when they start charging in England
Ha I know where your coming from, I bought a pair of shoes in Wales, not so long ago.. I forget they charge for bags, and of course was asked did I want a bag?
No its fine! I'll just pop em under my arm pits for the rest of the day! Tut.. :D
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Er poppers.. Gave me a very odd feeling, euphoric.
Speed had no effect on me what's ever or I don't think it did.. I run around everywhere anyway..waving my hands in the air.
Weed aka as cannabis.. Makes me roll around in fits of giggles I found the most not funny things, funny...Ie a chair a table yes you got it just like a not right.. Unless it's the strong stuff.. Which makes me feel like Mr soft.. Not a nice feeling and no control over my faculties..
That's all folks.. And not been there for years!
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