Insult Or Flattery?

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9 September 2017
I was sitting here contemplating how much I'd love to have meaningless, purely lustful sex with a certain lady on here when I suddenly had a random thought.
I thought to myself "I'd like to have sex with her so much I'd be willing to pay her many £££'s ;)"

This led me to think that if a woman messaged me and said she found me so sexually exciting that she'd happily give me X number of £'s to fuck her I'd be really flattered.:)
And, if I'm honest, providing she was not repulsive I'd be more than happy to oblige. (y)
Not for the money, obviously, but I would be excited by the fact that this woman found me so sexulally attractive that she'd be willing to pay me. :cool:

Now, this led me to think about how women (generalising here obviously) would react.
I reckon most women would feel insulted. I find that really interesting.:hmm:

If a man tells a woman in a non-aggresive, non-pushy way, at a swingers event for example, that he fancies her and would like to fuck her she most likely would feel flattered even if she didn't fancy the guy and had no intention of entering into any sexual activity with him.
If, however the same guy said he fancied her and wanted to fuck her and would be happy to pay £200 (a random figure) for the privilige she might slap his face and tell him he's a creep.:mad:

This leads me to another thought.
Do all women have a price? :whistle:
I remember many years ago when I was a boy, having an argument with my girlfriend of the time. I was in love with her and her with me when we had a conversation in the pub that I'm sure many other couples have had.
I said that no amount of money would persuade me to have sex with anyone but her. To my shock and horror at the time (I was very immature and unrealistic back then) she said she'd have sex with William Hague (random ugly bloke I picked) for £1 million. She'd probably have done it for a helluva lot less in reality :cool:

So, is it an insult to offer £50 but not if you offer £50,000.
As the old joke goes. We've established what kind of woman you are now we're negotiating.:D


18 July 2015
We do know ladies and couples who charge in swinging, advertise themselves as swingers but check out their link to adult work and of course all the amazon wish lists to follow. They make good money out of it ;)
7 December 2017
Not sure tbh i think if it is your only way of income and the girls are looked after then i guess it could be ok but i do feel like it is a little seedy not saying the ladies are bad people i do get a little concerned they will get treated very badly at some point.

Perhaps this could be a good topic to discuss, maybe if it's aloud. x
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9 November 2015
We’ve all done it one way or another, a girls night out when some great looking fella is buying you fizz and makes it very clear what his intention is at the end of the night.
Drunken sex with a stranger or the walk of shame the next morning..... hopefully he gets you a taxi :rofl: Cxxx
A taxi as well :eek:..... :D:D any gentlemen would drive you home :sneaky:


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
We’ve all done it one way or another, a girls night out when some great looking fella is buying you fizz and makes it very clear what his intention is at the end of the night.
Drunken sex with a stranger or the walk of shame the next morning..... hopefully he gets you a taxi :rofl: Cxxx

I haven't, just never did :D

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Deleted member 6127

If I was to attend a corporate event and was expected to take a partner and let’s just say I didn’t have one, would I consider a male escort to play the role. Again the answer is yes, as long as the fee came out of my expenses allowance, and yes, In the past I have scrolled the pages of male escorts for an occasion. Cxxx
7 December 2017
If I was to attend a corporate event and was expected to take a partner and let’s just say I didn’t have one, would I consider a male escort to play the role. Again the answer is yes, as long as the fee came out of my expenses allowance, and yes, In the past I have scrolled the pages of male escorts for an occasion. Cxxx
I know of a good one in London. Very handy in fact but not cheap :lol:

Deleted member 6127

If I was to attend a corporate event and was expected to take a partner and let’s just say I didn’t have one, would I consider a male escort to play the role. Again the answer is yes, as long as the fee came out of my expenses allowance, and yes, In the past I have scrolled the pages of male escorts for an occasion. Cxxx
You have my number xxxx :0)) T
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Purple Mamba Club

VIP Member
31 October 2017
I was sitting here contemplating how much I'd love to have meaningless, purely lustful sex with a certain lady on here when I suddenly had a random thought.
I thought to myself "I'd like to have sex with her so much I'd be willing to pay her many £££'s ;)"

This led me to think that if a woman messaged me and said she found me so sexually exciting that she'd happily give me X number of £'s to fuck her I'd be really flattered.:)
And, if I'm honest, providing she was not repulsive I'd be more than happy to oblige. (y)
Not for the money, obviously, but I would be excited by the fact that this woman found me so sexulally attractive that she'd be willing to pay me. :cool:

Now, this led me to think about how women (generalising here obviously) would react.
I reckon most women would feel insulted. I find that really interesting.:hmm:

If a man tells a woman in a non-aggresive, non-pushy way, at a swingers event for example, that he fancies her and would like to fuck her she most likely would feel flattered even if she didn't fancy the guy and had no intention of entering into any sexual activity with him.
If, however the same guy said he fancied her and wanted to fuck her and would be happy to pay £200 (a random figure) for the privilige she might slap his face and tell him he's a creep.:mad:

This leads me to another thought.
Do all women have a price? :whistle:
I remember many years ago when I was a boy, having an argument with my girlfriend of the time. I was in love with her and her with me when we had a conversation in the pub that I'm sure many other couples have had.
I said that no amount of money would persuade me to have sex with anyone but her. To my shock and horror at the time (I was very immature and unrealistic back then) she said she'd have sex with William Hague (random ugly bloke I picked) for £1 million. She'd probably have done it for a helluva lot less in reality :cool:

So, is it an insult to offer £50 but not if you offer £50,000.
As the old joke goes. We've established what kind of woman you are now we're negotiating.:D

Purple Mamba Club

VIP Member
31 October 2017
My husband just says he pays for it all the time...he's married (he should never have given me his pin number..)

I think the difference is the actual exchange of payment - are you treating someone as an object/paying for services, or are you just wanting them for 'them'? A friend might be willing to help with my garden for no payment - just to have time together and enjoy the sunshine, the result may not be perfect, but that's not important - whereas someone I've paid to take away the scrub - well, I might expect them to do a 'better job'...same thing?