Just Thought I'd Say Hello!

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Haha yes well I thought it's about time I tried something new!

After the weekend, my best friends mum asked to help me out with my twisted bra at a wedding reception... she proceeded to drag me into a loo realising she would have to lift my dress up to get at my bra.... Warning her I had no pants on!!! I'm then stood bollock naked dress above my head in a cubical with her! All my friends laughing as she tangled me up more... I walk out dress over my head, tangled up then she walks out still pulling at it! The pics are historical! Xx
Dear god woman!! You are encouragable.. and i thought it was only i that had the veiw of the year! Disapointed now.. lush!! :rofl: xxx
4 July 2017
Dear god woman!! You are encouragable.. and i thought it was only i that had the veiw of the year! Disapointed now.. lush!! :rofl: xxx

Oh you certainly are the only one who has had view of the year of me!

Still laugh my head off about my unsexy dancing skills! Haha... No one has seen what you have sexy ;) xx


Oh you certainly are the only one who has had view of the year of me!

Still laugh my head off about my unsexy dancing skills! Haha... No one has seen what you have sexy ;) xx
Traumatic... :rofl:
Deliciously of course.. :love: xx


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Haha yes well I thought it's about time I tried something new!

After the weekend, my best friends mum asked to help me out with my twisted bra at a wedding reception... she proceeded to drag me into a loo realising she would have to lift my dress up to get at my bra.... Warning her I had no pants on!!! I'm then stood bollock naked dress above my head in a cubical with her! All my friends laughing as she tangled me up more... I walk out dress over my head, tangled up then she walks out still pulling at it! The pics are historical! Xx

How do you get a twisted bra at a wedding reception :hmm: the mind boggles :D:D
