Seeing as it sunday I thought a little prayer time would be ok
My vibrator, which art in thy draw
Rabbit be thy name
Till I come,
It will be done
On earth but it is so heavenly.
Give me these 5 minutes
My daily routine
And forgive me for my screams!
As I forgive my next door.
Lead me straight into temptation
But deliver me from frustration,
For thine is the vibrator, the power and
rotation forever and ever
All men
My vibrator, which art in thy draw
Rabbit be thy name
Till I come,
It will be done
On earth but it is so heavenly.
Give me these 5 minutes
My daily routine
And forgive me for my screams!
As I forgive my next door.
Lead me straight into temptation
But deliver me from frustration,
For thine is the vibrator, the power and
rotation forever and ever
All men