Legalization Of Drugs

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26 July 2016
Personally I detest the use of all drugs. I would make it compulsory to pass a random drugs test before any benefits are paid. All benefits would then be paid into a state run drug rehab and until you attend and get clean you receive nothing. I know it would be hard for addicts but it would be a big deterrent to people thinking of starting to take drugs. I would also make the punishment for being in possession of drugs a lot harsher including corporal punishment such as public floggings or Hard labour so as not to have to cost us tax payers a fortune in keeping these pushers in prison. I would also make it easier for the courts to seize all goods and cash owned by the dealer and only leave them with basic living needs. Thinking that lot should make them think twice before deciding to break the law.


11 August 2015
I dont see legalislation making any difference. If legal then people may think its ok to take drugs, "it must be ok because its legal". Also as with alcohol and fags once something is taxed it creates a black market so the current dealers would still supply their clients. Finally although the idea of using any money generated by legislation for the NHS seems like a great idea, unless the legislation ring fences that money then the NHS is unlikely to see much if any of it.
Exactly which I know of, as has @Therapon above which I didn't know..

@Admin it not something I have mentioned before but his cancer was a direct result of his drug habit. He started our on cannabis but eventually ended up taking class A drugs snd whatever else he coukd get hold of. Believe me, like @meet_the_fockers has said the devastation caused by drug addiction is something you do not want to see.
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18 July 2015
but if they are already so readily available from street gangs where the money gained is used to promote further crime, would it not be better that the money collected by the government can then be used for N.H.S.
what has been happening for the past 20 year is clearly not working. its going to happen. should it not be controlled just like prostitution?
Prostitution is something else and there is no argument here for me, legalise never... Work to get them gone for good. End of.


Personally I detest the use of all drugs. I would make it compulsory to pass a random drugs test before any benefits are paid. All benefits would then be paid into a state run drug rehab and until you attend and get clean you receive nothing. I know it would be hard for addicts but it would be a big deterrent to people thinking of starting to take drugs. I would also make the punishment for being in possession of drugs a lot harsher including corporal punishment such as public floggings or Hard labour so as not to have to cost us tax payers a fortune in keeping these pushers in prison. I would also make it easier for the courts to seize all goods and cash owned by the dealer and only leave them with basic living needs. Thinking that lot should make them think twice before deciding to break the law.
not think if you take away a junkies dole he may just go out and rob? increase the punishment and the overcrowded cell would be at bursting point. flogging? really? I will never agree with any kind of corporal punishment I think as a nation we are better than that. higher punishments for the street suppliers will never work. people in poverty will always be tempted to sell drugs for easy money no matter the laws. it need to be stopped with the international suppliers. stop them making money and you have cracked it.
28 December 2016
I think there is an argument for the legalisation of the use of weed but not the supply, which has actaully been shown to have some health benefits and has many simialrites to alcohol in its use, after all tobacco is legal as is alcohol and if weed could be supplied and therefore controlled it would take the profit off the street and take back control through more contact of any health issues. To be frank it's available now anyway I don't see much difference in the availability side of it.
As for the rest of them frankly I think that's an insane idea. All of them are proven to have major impacts on health and making them more available is just going to promote those issues. Not only that but the likes of heroine is used as a method of control not just by the user but by other people around the user with other aims, in prostitution for example. If it were legal it would facilitate that greatly. Some are massively addictive and once people are on it, it is very, very difficult to get them off it. So running out of money leads to illegal activities to get the next hit wether the drug is legal or not they'll still be stealing from whereever they can to fund their habit.
I don't believe it would stop the illegal supply either because to do it legally you'd have to charge the price it costs to get clean drugs officially, which means they would be expensive, which would make them cost prohibitive and mean that there would still be a market for the criminals to exploit. There would still be a market for the guns and the prostitution to gain the legal drugs so I don't see the gain there. Also those people that currently supply the illegal stuff you think they're going to going to play nice and start paying their tax and NI?....
Hard drugs are a terrible, terrible tear and a family and anything that makes it easier to get them is bad I think.
Personally I'd say legalise weed with a percentage of additional profit going to drug related issues for other types of drugs. For all the others change the way it's punished and the money is used that's recovered. Put that back into the system to help the addicts and change the minimum sentences for supply to far greater and alter the way they punish those for possession, incorporating rehab and education as well as prison.
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24 November 2015
You say legalise drugs and more funds for rehab but where does this stop, once out of rehad the person can then legally purchase drugs but they will still need to fund the purchase of the drugs they want to take do we give them the money to buy more , a very very close friend of mine went into rehab, after leaving he had one month of montering then nothing so back to drug taking his five year old son found him face down stone cold dead in a beck near his home when he left school and on this im sorry but its a very raw subject to read as this is an ongoing battle that can and never will be resolved , there will always be a new high forthose that want or need that new fix because the last wasnt enough


There are no positive aspects of putting drugs on the streets with a label reading "legal."
There are plenty of people in society that find enough trouble on their own without the help of their country.
Legalising drugs would have a devastating result that would affect society as a whole. A large amount of drug users are employed, maybe the school bus driver who drives your children to school could smoke marijuana, the surgeon who operates on you may have cocaine in his system, and that the driver behind you may be on speed. There is an idea that the "drug user" is a low class, unemployed junkie. This is often untrue. The drug user is often a hard worker with a family and often a future.
To legalise it.. ermm.. hey miss jones can you just watch my class for a mo whilst i nip out for a cig er i mean a line.. because of course it perfectly LEGAL.. Im sorry if i turn into a raving lunatic.. through an adverse reaction... but of course thats fine.. the Government will benefit from the tax.. as a result of my purchase...


18 July 2015
There are no positive aspects of putting drugs on the streets with a label reading "legal."
There are plenty of people in society that find enough trouble on their own without the help of their country.
Legalising drugs would have a devastating result that would affect society as a whole. A large amount of drug users are employed, maybe the school bus driver who drives your children to school could smoke marijuana, the surgeon who operates on you may have cocaine in his system, and that the driver behind you may be on speed. There is an idea that the "drug user" is a low class, unemployed junkie. This is often untrue. The drug user is often a hard worker with a family and often a future.
To legalise it.. ermm.. hey miss jones can you just watch my class for a mo whilst i nip out for a cig er i mean a line.. because of course it perfectly LEGAL.. Im sorry if i turn into a raving lunatic.. through an adverse reaction... but of course thats fine.. the Government will benefit from the tax.. as a result of my purchase...
This :love:


ermmm, hey miss jones can you just watch my class for a mo while i nip out for a glass of water er i mean shot of vodka. thats legal dose not mean people do it.


18 July 2015
ermmm, hey miss jones can you just watch my class for a mo while i nip out for a glass of water er i mean shot of vodka. thats legal dose not mean people do it.
I'm sorry but you can't compare this, it's wrong on so many levels,
28 December 2016
ermmm, hey miss jones can you just watch my class for a mo while i nip out for a glass of water er i mean shot of vodka. thats legal dose not mean people do it.

Alcohol can be addictive as we all know. But alcohol has nowhere near the impact as a class A drug such as heroine.
It is already illegal to drive under the influence of anything so point taken there but what we are talking about here is legalising something that can be far more damaging and is addictive much quicker than anything currently available legally.


ermmm, hey miss jones can you just watch my class for a mo while i nip out for a glass of water er i mean shot of vodka. thats legal dose not mean people do it.
I should say yes perhaps teachers have been known to have a glass at lunch time.. no disrespect to teachers of course. ;)
Guess it could be natural progression.. lets move on to a line of coke..
Next heroin.. wonder whats next. :rolleyes:
School tuck shop?
28 December 2016
Alcohol has the potential to destroy families and lives without people being incredibly strong. Heroine rampages through destroying everything in its path taking no prisoners. Anything that facilitates that just cannot be allowed to happen.


Why is alcohol different to smack? Both highly addictive drugs just one is deemed social acceptably.


I think on balance it would make drug taking seem OK, like alcohol and cigarettes, which they're not (and I use both). They both continue to cause widespread health and mental issues. So I'm in the 'no' camp.
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28 December 2016
Why is alcohol different to smack? Both highly addictive drugs just one is deemed social acceptably.

I've seen the effects of smack on a family. No way anything that can be said will convince me that, that should be legalised.
Have you actually seen what these drugs do? And the depth and speed of their addiction?
Alcohol is bad enough once it bites but that's not in the same league as the class A drugs being talked about here.


I've seen the effects of smack on a family. No way anything that can be said will convince me that, that should be legalised.
Have you actually seen what these drugs do? And the depth and speed of their addiction?
Alcohol is bad enough once it bites but that's not in the same league as the class A drugs being talked about here.
I have see, I have lived, I have recovered.
28 December 2016
I have read the entire thread all the way through. 'Dibbed and dabbed in my youth' is not addicted to class A to be honest. I have lost friends to Alcohol and I have seen what class A does to a family and how it changes a person. Alcohol is here to stay I don't see any reason to legalise anything else and facilitate the use of much harder, faster acting more damaging drugs. Legalising class A's will create far more problems than it will solve and wreck even more families lives. I've got nothing else to add to this thread people so have fun all.
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