Meeting Now!??? Sexy Blonde

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25 July 2016
Just a quick question, are you a robot?
I think she is as i waited at the spot on the enclosed map and she never turned up :( Maybe she didnt want to go rusty in the torrential rain i waited 1 hour in ( even brough a can of wd 40 just in case ;) )

Deleted member 3411

Actually just recently I've noticed something and it goes to show how the way our illustrious site owners have built this place work so well. We've recently had a number of new starters who share one thing in common. They are female, they say very little and all they have for a profile picture is the middle third of their torso. Now it could be just coincidence but I do wonder if they all have one Common cause or origin? It's to be noticed but they never picture verify or comment past the first few hours and are never seen again.
Because of the security on this site and the way it set up make damn sure the only genuine people get anywhere here and we soon have bots and catfish just wander off knowing full well that they won't get anywhere here.
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Deleted member 11094


Yellow-spedo wearing robot?;)