Member Of The Month; Looby & Lew

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15 September 2014
Hello Sexy Peeps,
Well here we go... We won't live this one down I can tell ya! :D :p

Looby & Lew - do a lot on here, are always chatty, always friendly and are just lovely people all 'round.

They both interact with everyone else, they both get stuck in.. Lew has the driest humour I know, with a funny & witty aura about him and Looby, well Looby is a crackpot with an outrageous sense of humour.
Her ability to attract weirdos is now legendary!

Henceforth we're pleased to announced that @Looby&Lew have made the grades this month! :D

We would like to say HUGE thank you to you for always being so polite, friendly, chatty and supportive of the site.

You input has been noticed and very much appreciated!

Congratulations on being our members of the month... :) ;)
And thank you! xx


15 September 2014
Hello Sexy Peeps,
Well here we go... We won't live this one down I can tell ya! :D :p

Looby & Lew - do a lot on here, are always chatty, always friendly and are just lovely people all 'round.

They both interact with everyone else, they both get stuck in.. Lew has the driest humour I know, with a funny & witty aura about him and Looby, well Looby is a crackpot with an outrageous sense of humour.
Her ability to attract weirdos is now legendary!

Henceforth we're pleased to announced that @Looby&Lew have made the grades this month! :D

We would like to say HUGE thank you to you for always being so polite, friendly, chatty and supportive of the site.

You input has been noticed and very much appreciated!

Congratulations on being our members of the month... :) ;)
And thank you! xx
18 October 2015
Wow! Thank you so much. I feel like Lew should put his posh frock on for this occasion! In fact I might make him when he gets back from his hard day at the office!:rofl:

We both really appreciate this, it was not what we ever expected but we are always happy to do whatever we can to help people feel welcome and to get members to join in the banter and have a laugh.

We think the real stars of this site are the staff who twinkle quietly in the background :D(quietly! yeah right!!) and keep us all on the straight on narrow. So a big thank you to you all for this wonderful site and thank you for choosing us. (I feel a Blue Peter moment coming on and a real urge to make a badge with this new title on out of a washing up liquid bottle and sticky backed plastic :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:)


15 September 2014
There couldn't have been a better, more friendlier couple for this to be awarded to, and you really are most welcome.
You both do so much here and you just chat away, quietly in the background perhaps? But never gone unnoticed.
Really well earnt and well deserved x