Member of the Month; Zebo!

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15 September 2014
Hello Sexy Peeps,
What we've tried to do here is adjust the timings of member of the month, so it coincides with PoTM - and is on the 1st of the month.
Henceforth we're pleased to announced that Mr @zebo has made the grades this month! :D

We would like to say HUGE thank you to you for always being so polite, friendly, chatty and ready to get involved in on all the discussions.

Your photo's and albums are also exquisite and have caused many discussions and provided people a good insight into you and your enjoyment in life. Thank you.

You input has been noticed and appreciated!
Congratulations on being our member of the month... :) ;)


15 September 2014
Bloody Hell, just come back from a weekend away and saw this on my alerts, Thank you so much, i am honoured.

You are welcome Mr @zebo only Pearls and myself decide this and we base it on many factors, and we both agreed that you really deserve this..
You really are most welcome, many thanks and congratulations again. (y)
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Well done and well deserved I'd say. :)

During my reign as member of the month, i will endeavour to use my title to alleviate world hunger, and end global suffering, rescue small animals, and visit old folk in retirement homes, and of course to carry on being silly
Nah... never heed the serious stuff, everlasting silliness is the trick. :p

"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it." Wilde.
