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Millennials, Self Entitled Attitude And Snowflakes...

19 March 2015
Okay so we've had some heated debates recently about the PC brigade and how things are changing for the better or worse.. but what about this:

Have you seen (surely you have?) or heard about the Elle Darby story with the White Moose Cafe?
If not then here it is briefly;
She's a vlogger and Youtuber, online socialite & considers herself to be a "Social media influencer". She has all the usual social media networks with quite a large following. (however there are reports that many followers are bought).

With that she approached The White Moose Cafe in Dublin and asked them basically for a free five day stay in return for a good review(s) on her social media - thus exposing it to her followers.

The cafe posted her letter online but removing any personal information, stating that she lacked 'self-respect and dignity.' by asking for a freebie in exchange for a positive review:

She responded loudly which ultimately exposed her as the one who wrote the letter.
It's caused a Twitter Storm, a social media backlash and more..
Is it a generation thing? Do the Millennial generation expect something for nothing?

I must say, I do like his 'Ashes of Vegans' and 'Tears of Bloggers' pots

If you're really unsure of what I am talking about, have a look below;
Dublin hotel sends Elle Darby an invoice for €5,289,000 | Daily Mail Online
Elle (@elledarby) | Twitter
Google Search: Elle Darby
Reactions: Deleted member 3657

Deleted member 6485

Interesting to see most of her twatter followers are also millenials. Says it all really......x

Deleted member 3657

This culture has been building up for years and I think it's getting to a stage where it's becoming irrational.
You're not allowed to make a choice anymore because someone will be "offended".
I was accused of bullying once by what I now know to be a snowflake. I didn't like the woman I worked with, nor did many others. Did not mix with her outside of work, I don't like her so didn't wish to be around her in my own time so never talked to her. She really struggled in gaining her position qualifications in the ATC tower we were working in. When she had gone way over the expected achieved hours her excuse was that I was bullying her. The bullying was that I didn't talk to her outside of work, which made her uncomfortable in work. My CoC tried to order me to interact with her outside of work so she didn't feel bullied. The point is is that system enables and breeds this kind of thinking.

What Elle did was basically a form of blackmail. Let me stay for free and I'll say something nice. If you don't, I'll go on social media and say whatever....
19 March 2015
Wow... Yes well that's peer pressure as well as political pressure from a superior, to pander to the snowflake in question. Sheesh.
That's actually though, a bullying episode towards you too... the irony.

What Elle did was basically a form of blackmail. Let me stay for free and I'll say something nice. If you don't, I'll go on social media and say whatever....
You got it. This is precisely what she did if you read the email in full and correctly. How rude!

Deleted member 3657

Wow... Yes well that's peer pressure as well as political pressure from a superior, to pander to the snowflake in question. Sheesh.
That's actually though, a bullying episode towards you too... the irony.
Exactly, and after quite a few meetings I pointed out that I felt bullied also because most of the hierarchy don't mix with me outside of work. It was after that that they then turned their attention back to said snowflake and dug deeper and found out she did the same at her previous unit.
19 March 2015
Good for you. It's double standards tbh, even though she was the one crying in her cupcake about nothing.
Reactions: Pearls

Deleted member 3657

The thing I hate the most about all this millennial stuff is that if I have a different opinion, I'm the one supposedly in the wrong. They can't be wrong. We're all allowed an opinion until they don't like yours, then you're not allowed one. The world doesn't work that way.
Reactions: NotSoFireproof
12 August 2015
I'm not sure it's just a millennial thing... I'd say it was more pronounced in certain areas in millennials; and in other areas it's more pronounced in elder generations.
19 March 2015
Not one to usually disagree, but I do with this Miss C..
I'm not sure it's just a millennial thing...
In my years on this rock, the last 15+ have seen an increase in this behaviour and attitude, which all stems from the social media, smartphone generation. This kind of self-entitled belief and narcissism didn't exist before then, in the way it does now.
We had entitled peeps, don't get me wrong... but nothing in comparison to the generation now and how it is now (mostly). At least in my opinion. x
Reactions: Therapon

Deleted member 3411

For me the saddest truth here is a generation that thinks life is defined by what bloggers say, and that they must live life according to the direction someone says on a blog. As for the moose cafe event.... if I heard that I'd now be thinking that Everything and every recommendation she's posted to date is obviously bogus and that nothing she's said is trustworthy. Good review? Hmmm genuine or just paid well for the thumbs up?


3 September 2017

Is this just not more noticeable now with the increase in all forms of social media?

What saddens me is the way it’s abused, for me I love social media for all the positive things it can bring.
19 March 2015
Is this just not more noticeable now with the increase in all forms of social media?
I don't think it actually existed in this form before social media. Without S.M, there'd be no 'influencers' and bloggers per se, yes magazines et al but nothing quite to this scale. This is totally different isn't it.. So that's a bit of a grey one even though I see what you're saying..
What saddens me is the way it’s abused, for me I love social media for all the positive things it can bring.
Now that is a problem which is both part of this debate and a discussion too within it's own right..
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls

Deleted member 1030

Restaurant critics, music reviewers etc. have been doing this for years. I don't think it's particularly a millenials thing. It's probably just more noticable now, due to the internet making things more accessible and more transparent.

Quite what this has got to do with the 'PC brigade' and 'snowflakes', I have no idea
19 March 2015
Restaurant critics, music reviewers etc. have been doing this for years. I don't think it's particularly a millenials thing. It's probably just more noticable now, due to the internet making things more accessible and more transparent.
Are you meaning reviews etc?

Quite what this has got to do with the 'PC brigade' and 'snowflakes', I have no idea
It's all within the whole furore itself. If you've read the links or been able to follow the whole story, you will see what I mean - hence the titles' inclusion of it.
If you aren't sure as to why I included it in the title, maybe it could benefit from catching up with the story. The title then becomes self-explanatory.
Reactions: Therapon

Deleted member 1030

Oh, I am so coming back to this post later, when I've got time
You lucky people! The time is now

So, The S*n says ‘snowflakes and millenials’ are responsible for all this nonsense? OK, let’s go round the board and examine the claims;

1 – Advice on inclusive language from those famous millenials, the British Medical Association. I’m sure there’s loads of under 30s on that executive

18 – The National Coalition Against Censorship surveyed 800 teaching professors and Eighty-five percent of faculty surveyed said they had never received a request from students to use trigger warnings. Ninety-two percent said there was no student-initiated effort to require them at their school. Some pointed out that such requests may come from parents watching their children leave the nest. http://ncac.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/NCAC-TriggerWarningReport.pdf

4 – German supermarket wants to sell more Moussaka, thinks (without any evidence) crosses will hinder this. Quite rightly apologises and promises to do better next time (though Lidl claim the rights-free image was sans cross when they found it).

13 – Some people express an opinion on Twitter. Ages and political affiliations not recorded.

6 – Aye, fair enough….. feckin childish nonsense that

10 – Mum calls for panto to be axed – a mother of children. One person moans, story gets picked up by tabloids and the BBC. One person. A supposed adult.

15 – Again, this one’s correct. These S.U.s are a bit fecking mad, aren’t they?

2 – Well, we can’t really argue with that, can we? He is a bit dated now, to be fair – and people have been saying this for years! But, hey-ho, rather that research any real news, let’s ask the work experience girl what’s going on over on Twitter (btw, I’m not just singling out the Murdoch rag for this, they’re ALL at it. Lazy feckin journalism is what it is).

17 – A stew that isn’t served in Jamaica and rice that isn’t found in Tunisia is called Jamaican Stew and Tunisian Rice on a menu. Some people think that’s a bit rubbish. Me? I’m enjoying my halloumi, chilli and spaghetti. I call it a full English breakfast.

3 – Once again, someone complains about something, millenials and snowflakes are obviously to blame. You didn’t get complaints in the olden days, you know - and the food tasted nicer and the summers would go on forever. Oh wait!!! Arch-millenial Lily Allen (Boo! Hiss! A woman with an opinion!) is involved. Ah well, case closed then.

19……. Ah, do you know what, this is getting as boring for me as it did for you lot, halfway through the church crosses bit.

The point I’m trying to make is that it is such an easy, go-to measure to blame millenials and snowflakes for all the ills of society when, in reality, it has very little to do with them. They’re just the latest in a long line of media-created folk-devils (mods and rockers, striking miners, acid house, immigrants etc. etc. so on and so forth, ad infinitum). In fact, these ones are even better because they gutter press only have to click on to social media to find a story – then they can vilify the platform as well! Supa-dupa deal!

Now, why would the tabloid press – with falling circulations and the attendant loss of influence – want to make the internet sound bad? :hmm:

Oh, wait! I can’t go without mentioning the bullseye, the piece de resistance …. people don’t like being called names that are meant to degrade them. Feck me, that’s some incisive journalism right there! Who would have thought it? Next you’ll be telling me we aren’t allowed to call them a complete bunch of CENSORED BY A YOUNG PERSON

18 January 2018
It isn't millenials that is the problem!!
It's the generation after them generation y I think they are called now.
I am a millennial I am 30 and trust me it isn't people my age that are causing the ishhues.
Reactions: Pearls
24 February 2016
One of the biggest problems in my line of work is that no one knows how to communicate unless by email or some other media so we get calls about noise normal via text because they don't know how to interact with stangers most say they are afraid to ask in case they gob off at them, and that is all ages, a lot have lost the ability to consider others because we are so detached for each other now
18 January 2018
I totally agree most don't know how to write a letter now either
Reactions: Baldrick and Crezy
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