My New Obsession

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15 September 2014
Pretty hot my brother. ;)
God... my wife is trying to convince you to get your arses over here in Blighty. If she could, we'd party every day of the week and entertain everyone and anyone we could.
But it's ME who does all the cooking and hosting/waiting etc.. Believe it man! :D
You'd love it actually. ESP where we are.. beautiful places around us. Some really peaceful and tranquil spots.
Anyway looking good! :p


Wow vex from wrestling to an irresistible offer what a great result !

It's how it usually happens :)

Was chatting to a female friend off another site the other day about dog behaviour and she ended up telling me that there are only four people on her 'list' at the moment and me and C are two of them, Unicorn, strike, lol (y)

Moral of the story you often get offers made when you least expect it and are not trying for them.

P.S. Not bragging, honest :whistle: :jacked:
28 May 2015
Actually right now we are saving for a trip back to my home town for a visit with my family next year! Heather has only met my parents, my brother, and one sister. :D
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15 September 2014
It's how it usually happens :)

Was chatting to a female friend off another site the other day about dog behaviour and she ended up telling me that there are only four people on her 'list' at the moment and me and C are two of them, Unicorn, strike, lol (y)

Moral of the story you often get offers made when you least expect it and are not trying for them.

P.S. Not bragging, honest :whistle: :jacked:
Ahem. we need more here... :whistle: refer... get points :D
True though, happens when you least expect it.
Don't cost much these days hun, get saving those pennies xx
Yeah come on mate. You'd love it. Take you 3 years or more to save, but achievable am sure. ;)
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