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26 July 2016
How often do we here words like these when someone decides their going to tinker with stuff, whether it be tech, food or what ever. Who says what they've done has 'improved' anything, my latest grumble is about KitKat bars I don't know who though more milk & cocoa would 'improve' them, I think they're horrible now so won't be eating anymore.
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Deleted member 1030

What always makes me laugh is the 'Best ever...' sales pitch. So, you're telling me you've been selling me a sub-standard product for the last few years? :eek:


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Two words kraft and cadbury, Cadbury chocolate was my fav chocolate bar i could eat them by the truck load but then kraft bought them out and after all the promises of not going to change the recipe they did and now it tastes awful and feels oily in the mouth, i wont touch it now and my fav is now galaxy.
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