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I find it Sad to see so many question marks in the newbie gallery..
Not a great advert for the site either.. .

I think we should only show new PV newbies in the gallery as we can assume that they are more serous than the others

What do you guys think?
Message on a postcard to @Admin as I am off out soon



15 September 2014
I find it Sad to see so many question marks in the newbie gallery..
Not a great advert for the site either.. .

I think we should only show new PV newbies in the gallery as we can assume that they are more serous than the others

What do you guys think?
Message on a postcard to @Admin as I am off out soon

By gallery, you mean literally gallery as in media? x


15 September 2014
It's our gateway to new members.. But as most don't verify it seems like a waste of time..
Okay, currently this is how it works, members have to PV and add 3 media to unlock their accounts, so they can't really access too much of the gallery unless they become PV'd. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that's what I have done.

I have things set so only after adding 3 x media and becoming PV'd do members then gain access to the gallery etc.
Some may add the 3 media and then not bother to get PV'd but that doesn't mean they then automatically gain access either.
Will have to do some testing and see exactly how I have done this, but am very positive it is as so.

I'll get back to you about this. x


15 September 2014
Ah I see what you mean, as in their avatars on the media thumbs previews?
If that is the case, the said members will lose access anyway - so will have to redo their avatars or that's that. We may remove them if they're in breach of the site's App rules etc x

Deleted member 3411

It took us a while to get round to the PV stage purely through geography as one of us works away. We are both enjoying the site now though. Very friendly.
Is worth it in the end though as although all this hoop jumping feels demanding on the other side of it all you find a feeling of relaxed calm...ish. at least you KNOW everyone is real.
As for the ? Avatars, sadly it's a kick back from making folk register before getting rights. Does also stop cloned images being viewed by those 'borrowing' others image.


15 September 2014
Is worth it in the end though as although all this hoop jumping feels demanding on the other side of it all you find a feeling of relaxed calm...ish. at least you KNOW everyone is real.
As for the ? Avatars, sadly it's a kick back from making folk register before getting rights. Does also stop cloned images being viewed by those 'borrowing' others image.
Completely agreed. (y)
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