Paris Attacks...

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I had to use public transport over the weekend and there were some right idiots on it.
You know the sort putting the world to rights, start the sentence "i'm not racist but...." and then proceed to say something deeply offensive.
They kept calling them ISA, it took all my resolve to not turn round and slap them.
27 April 2015
We feel this whole situation is an acidic sloppy mess, that's running down hill too fast to catch now, Eventually it will stop running, lets all hope the acid whilst running does not cause too much damage as it flows.
For those of us that have children and family in the forces and public services, we raise our thanks and support to you in what may be difficult times ahead !!!
The A Team !!


15 September 2014
True words spoken and at the right time too...
There's hell there right now and more trouble this morning, and right now as we write this.
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22 July 2015
Looks like they may have got the "mastermind" behind it all. Unconfirmed yet, tho. Sadly that is just one cog in a very big wheel - the only way to stop the wheel is to destroy it from the inside so it collapses in on itself and that means taking out the leaders and I don't think bombing is the answer. Send in the specialists on foot. Get the ones at the top. The rest won't know what to do without leaders.
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15 September 2014
I don't think bombing is the answer. Send in the specialists on foot. Get the ones at the top. The rest won't know what to do without leaders.
Yes I agree...
this whole thing has sent bigger shockwaves and reverberations than what I think they expected.
Am listening to Jeremy Vine while working and they're discussing this very topic.. It is unreal some of the comments and points of view.


Thing is we are going to have to tighten up. They are going to let no immigrants into the country so where, will they gonow?! :eek:
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