Don't know where the agree/disagree dialogue is coming from......
All I see is someone saying that;
It's not healthy to be extremely underweight
It's not healthy to be extremely overweight
Why the agree, disagree, he said/she said, I have no idea...
To me this is no different to exposing size zero models on the catwalk. No one congratulates that as we know what they have to go through to do so.
yet it's seemingly okay to say 'bravo' to the larger lady for expressing herself against all odds.
Yes it's a challenge and empowerment, of course it is.. but also sending out the wrong message.
If it wasn't then why did so many glossy mags ban the size zero effect, just like they will with the size 20+ effect in a few years time.
If you want healthy, curvy men and women, go middle of the road.
Not extremes which encourage influential kids to follow suit because they think they can earn a quick few quid by doing so.
So now it's suddenly okay to put a larger lady on a glossy mag because it's changing points of views?
About time the larger lady was shown on such things?
No... it's equally as bad as the size zero.
It's one extreme to another and the only people who win are the publishers.
Beauty is skin deep, we all know that.. but stop glamorising it on ALL sides.
It's not good for influential people.