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Profiles - honestly are you interested or not?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3175
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Deleted member 3175

Yes, what people put in their profile does interest me!
It tells you what they’re about, a little insight into who they are and maybe what they are after!

Tiger xx
When do you read them? We tend to check people’s profile if they peek our interest or when poked oh er missus!
We’ve had a fair few messages from people but when you look at their profile there’s nothing there, so I don’t know how you are supposed to form a first opinion on them if all you know is their age, location, sexual orientation likes dislikes etc x S x


9 November 2015
Do you actually look at peoples profiles?
We have noticed lately many people join fill in the basic info and nothing else.
Does what people put on their profile interest you? What do you actually want to see?
Always read any profile information as it does give you some idea to what a profiles requirements maybe .. obviously you have the ones with very little ,some are comprehensive...
If it’s of interest then you take it from there..
What would I like to see ? Basic likes ,dislikes ... it’s always difficult someone may have specifics they want and won’t bend from those so if you don’t fit that then it’s time to move on..

Deleted member 3175

If someone had no info would you still be interested? We’ve had a fair few messages recently but when you check out the info there’s nothing. It’s just a bug bear of ours, I know it may seem silly but surely something’s better than nothing? S xx


9 November 2015
That would depend... if it was a totally blank profile then no , if they had some media which looked interesting then yes I may try messages to find more about the person/people on the profile ...
I agree something is better than nothing ,but also like mine I haven’t updated it for a while so if it looks old and out of date sure that may put people off ... although I don’t generally have people chasing me ... which is just the nature of swinging for me ...

Deleted member 11852

We always read the profiles but at the moment there’s more blanks than what’s filled in..there’s too many people joining putting a few pics up sending random messages then if no one replies straight away you see them viewing how do I delete my account..people are not staying long enough to put information about themselves..they don’t even give it a chance..w..xx


15 September 2014
Hello both,
Do you think a ‘site tour’ would help?
Imagine a tab or link, which when clicked, would give you an on screen tour of the site. This can include how to add media, add a thread, add info and so on.
Each stage you then have to click next, which takes you on the site tour again.
Returnable easily by clicking the link, as often as needed..
25 January 2020
Maybe a default example profile, that might encourage them to start deleting a few things and once the ball is rolling they find they have made a profile, it might not be detailed or comprehensive but it might be something
Yeah a minimum requirement, some you have to put something in the about box as well as general infor before you can set up an account.


11 August 2015
If anything encourages people to add info to their profile then it has to be a bonus. Some we know not matter what is done simply can't be bothered to add info where others may not want to add more detail until they are sure about the site.
If members don't add info then you could look at it as an opportunity to chat to them to ask what it is they are looking for.

Deleted member 3175

Evening birthday boss!
Sounds good don’t want to create more work for you, but I think to encourage more people to stay active on the site and fill in the info it would be beneficial. Many times you see the newbies status “how do I etc etc etc”. It may encourage them to stay take more time to get familiar with the site and how it works. Also filling in more info may sort the Friday night sign ups and Saturday morning delete my accounts. S xxx


15 September 2014
Evening and thank you. Xx ?
Yes I know what you mean and agree. We used to have it so that members were nagged by a system message until they filled this info in, but I also was aware it became an annoyance.
Additionally if you recall, we had mandatory steps too - three phases in total to complete, but again that was more of a hindrance than a help.
We’ve often used certain or specific accounts as ‘go to’ accounts too, for when showing an example etc.
So this is something I’ve long thought about (site guide etc) which I’ve wanted to do for some time, and I think perhaps, if people were shown visually how to do stuff, rather that text based FAQ (which is usually tricky for people esp on mobile) then this may help.
You may then find that more people do it too.
I didn’t want to specifically derail your thread, but more offer a constructive possible approach.
So we could make it like :
Profile info > next > now here to add media > next > click here to set your profile picture/avatar and so on, so forth. X

Deleted member 3175

We agree with that, we’ve had a fair few messages where we’ve done that and the replies have mainly been “wanna meet?” Or “she’s hot”. We understand some people don’t want to because they’re not sure but surely if they’ve come to a site like this then they’re wanting something out of it and without putting a little info about either themselves or what they want, it makes it hard to kinda chat with them. It tends to be a very one sided conversation S x

Deleted member 3175

I can get the annoying element to the mandatory fields, but surely that would sort some of the issues out?

Or maybe having a pick list of interests/activities in the basic information fields may help with building a better picture of what folk are looking for?


15 September 2014
We’ve had mandatory fields for information and about section for a while and it’s easily negated by simply adding ABC - as that is info. So rather than nag people to add anything, it would be better to show the way.
Also that is now a separate concern to the main OP. So you now have two issues raised. One with people not adding information and then an additional checklist of interests etc.

Deleted member 3175

I'd personally say they are same thing, to make the site more user friendly for both active members and new members, surely the more information the better. Reading between the lines of what S said in the original post and the replies received, a complete profile would be beneficial to all.

I (G) dont really give a blank profile a second look, same with those of months/years of inactivity. They muddy the waters when searching for members we would be potentially interested in meeting. We dont post for meets on the open forum due to wanting to keep our activities more personal/discreet.


15 September 2014
I think there’s a misunderstanding between checkboxes with interests and the ‘about’ field for further information.
The two relate to the same to a degree in as much as showing others what the interests are, but are very different as in they’re two components which are separate.


15 September 2014
So with that, as there’s two separate components going on, I already have one thing I can immediately kind of implement which could help there.
What I would need is a list of prospective interests to input there.
As for getting people to fill out their information field, that’s something else entirely and having tried so many various options - I can only suggest a site tour or guide of sorts, with a ‘click next’ approach literally spoon feeding how people can do these things and suggestively.
Again I know your post was more aimed at discussing what and why etc, but this has long been a bit of a problem.. so it could be good to add some easier ways, to show people, how to do them.

Deleted member 3175

That sounds like a plan, I'm sure a thread would get a list of activities/interests together quite quickly from the members.

The site tour sounds like it's worth a try, if you need someone to trial it on, we would be more than happy to help out.


Deleted member 16044

Do you actually look at peoples profiles?
We have noticed lately many people join fill in the basic info and nothing else.
Does what people put on their profile interest you? What do you actually want to see?
No I prefer to talk to someone in person
as what on screen written could be made up like and yes I know it is wrong way round done for a purpose to show that things online are not always true about people
I prefer to talk in person x
SO no it does not interest me what people put on their profile
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls

Deleted member 16044

you could say you are a gorgeous hunk of a woman
big house with large tits and just an avatar
would like to meet males for swinging as no experience and wants a an older woman

who knows what people put is really them
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls
27 April 2015
Do you actually look at peoples profiles?
We have noticed lately many people join fill in the basic info and nothing else.
Does what people put on their profile interest you? What do you actually want to see?
We always read a profile of someone of interest, basically it's a members shop window, where they can promote their best bits to prospective interested parties.
If its blank or minimal, we go no further, if they can't bothered, nor can we, simple as that. !! ?
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