Profiles - honestly are you interested or not?

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Deleted member 16044

We always read a profile of someone of interest, basically it's a members shop window, where they can promote their best bits to prospective interested parties.
If its blank or minimal, we go no further, if they can't bothered, nor can we, simple as that. !! ?
oh but I like to talk to people in real does that mean I am a bad person beg me pardon and writing stuff could be all false anyway
best not read mine nothing on there to read
you could tell me that you have a house with rooms for bondage and turn up and the house has burnt down as the sex got too hot
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27 April 2015
oh but I like to talk to people in real does that mean I am a bad person beg me pardon and writing stuff could be all false anyway
best not read mine nothing on there to read
you could tell me that you have a house with rooms for bondage and turn up and the house has burnt down as the sex got too hot
We agree completely, but the same profile description if all lies, could also de extended into chat, and to be fair, it may well happen, (we certainly know it has in the past)
But this is about profiles and do you read them, and at the end of the day, swinging is first impressions, that first few seconds determines so much, so as we said, if your profile is uninteresting, non existing, or a joke, we just move on, End of,
For us it is a Very big determining factor, but let us, assure you, a healthy interesting profile always warrants a hello if it appeals to us. (just saying)
27 April 2015
oh but I like to talk to people in real does that mean I am a bad person beg me pardon and writing stuff could be all false anyway
best not read mine nothing on there to read
you could tell me that you have a house with rooms for bondage and turn up and the house has burnt down as the sex got too hot
And don't forget, Real swingers base a sexual relationship on trust and complete truth, not lies or deceit.
So it's another good reason for an informed profile. ????

Deleted member 3175

No I prefer to talk to someone in person
as what on screen written could be made up like and yes I know it is wrong way round done for a purpose to show that things online are not always true about people
I prefer to talk in person x

I'd say you've got that ass backwards, why put the effort into opening communication with someone who your potentially going to be intimate with, who cannot be bothered to at least share some information about what there interests and lifestyle choices? Once you got to the meeting stage, if it goes that far, any lies told would soon be rumbled.



9 November 2015
This site gives us a platform to pursue this lifestyle so first impressions are on line , first thing you might usually see is the avatar... now I generally don’t get involved with just the generic letters or those avatars that are just internet pics is that just lazy ? ... then you get the profiles that pop media on ... them in a flash it’s off ...
The first impression of any one here is a profile so a bit of information,some media and showing that your getting in goes a long way ... you may never meet and chat in person but you can get a feel for someone, messaging here first so to put lies and misinformation makes absolutely no sense because if you actually meet ,it would soon become apparent that your not who you claim to be , also you can go to clubs meet but can you really be sure that the gorgeous girl/hunky guy is just not a front they put on in that situation ...
Sometimes I think because this site is so different to others people come with a jaded attitude, think it’s difficult without even trying , when I joined I had never used a site like this so it was a case of eventually after a while of looking and watching tentative steps getting involved , you haven’t managed to get rid of me yet ... :phow do you change that attitude to get them to become more at home involved....don’t have an answer to that ...

Deleted member 11852

oh but I like to talk to people in real does that mean I am a bad person beg me pardon and writing stuff could be all false anyway
best not read mine nothing on there to read
you could tell me that you have a house with rooms for bondage and turn up and the house has burnt down as the sex got too hot
Every one of our meets with the lovely people on this site has been amazing in different ways. Before we met we had plenty of chats and their profile info was great and that’s what attracted us to them. We don’t interact with people who have no profile info.
Meeting people for real is your choice, but how would you expect them to meet up if you haven’t interacted with them first by chat etc ??


18 July 2015
Ok my two pennies worth :D

From a site point of view we promote good content on your profile from media to information.
Information is important but only for people that are genuinely interested in meeting the people that they are interested in meeting.
For some though if they do put specifics then that restricts them from attention so they leave it blank which opens them up to all.
Ladies have it tough with some guys. They can put they only want to meet a couple, explain what they are looking for but some guys will still jump into messaging and try and change that!
This also applies to some guys where he only wants to meet a lady but some couples will try to push that boundary.

From a personal point of view, info will only work if people respect it and read it.
How many people see a female join and message without reading the profile?

After reading the profile and getting to know the person, you then arrange to meet. In most cases everything goes well and they are the person you’d hope they would be. Happy days.
Not all end this way though. Some have very different experiences. In this case the original information on the profile is irrelevant.

As a couple, we have met people with good profiles and they’ve all been who we knew they would be ??

Deleted member 16044

I sadly do not tell lies
I leave that for the bullshitters on here who make out they are friendly online in real life they are two faced it has happened
and you judging me based on no description wow, did not think swingers were judgemental again a bit two faced
and I speak the truth
you lot not even met me to even pass judgement based on a fact that I have nothing to read home about on my profile
I am not ass hole either thanks you can take a block

Deleted member 16044

I have come to a conclusion that many people talk here behind peoples back and I am not one of them
nor do I stand for silly childish behaviour from so called fully grown adults here
as we are all supposed to embrace each other and be part of a community but I feel it is much divided
I not even been on here and you been posting stuff behind my back seriously come on
life is for love and spreading it not being negative all the time

x spreading the love x

just come back from a community meeting to make the place where I live a better place
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18 July 2015
I have come to a conclusion that many people talk here behind peoples back and I am not one of them
nor do I stand for silly childish behaviour from so called fully grown adults here
as we are all supposed to embrace each other and be part of a community but I feel it is much divided
I not even been on here and you been posting stuff behind my back seriously come on
life is for love and spreading it not being negative all the time

x spreading the love x

just come back from a community meeting to make the place where I live a better place
Posting what?

Deleted member 3175

I have come to a conclusion that many people talk here behind peoples back and I am not one of them
nor do I stand for silly childish behaviour from so called fully grown adults here
as we are all supposed to embrace each other and be part of a community but I feel it is much divided
I not even been on here and you been posting stuff behind my back seriously come on
life is for love and spreading it not being negative all the time

x spreading the love x

just come back from a community meeting to make the place where I live a better place
I do not understand where you are coming from? Why do you seem to take offence to people’s opinions in threads like these? S x
24 November 2015
I sadly do not tell lies
I leave that for the bullshitters on here who make out they are friendly online in real life they are two faced it has happened
and you judging me based on no description wow, did not think swingers were judgemental again a bit two faced
and I speak the truth
you lot not even met me to even pass judgement based on a fact that I have nothing to read home about on my profile
I am not ass hole either thanks you can take a block
I have come to a conclusion that many people talk here behind peoples back and I am not one of them
nor do I stand for silly childish behaviour from so called fully grown adults here
as we are all supposed to embrace each other and be part of a community but I feel it is much divided
I not even been on here and you been posting stuff behind my back seriously come on
life is for love and spreading it not being negative all the time

x spreading the love x

just come back from a community meeting to make the place where I live a better place
I have sat back and read for a few weeks now your negativity to posts and threads you feel are aimed at yourself , you have stated above you leave lies to bullshitters who do not know you ,yet the same can be said of yourself , you do not know half the members on here in real life yet you can sit behind a screen and make some very judgemental assumptions about these members.
You say youve come to the conclusion that people talk behind your back , based on what I cannot fathom and only assume you have poor self esteem about yourself and I base this statement on your negative comments not on knowing you as I have never personally met you .
You take comments and read into them what you will, while others read it differently ,then your head spins in multiple directions summising people are taking the mick out of you .
I will leave this by saying maybe you should lighen up a bit and enjoy what the site as to offer you as an individual and not get so embrolied in what you perceive others to be doing or saying

Deleted member 3175

I read profiles as I find it can make writing the first message or profile post easier.... It also allows me also to see if they meet single men and if we share similar interests. Its not a problem if they don't but it does make breaking the ice easier

That’s a great point, knowing something a little more about that person/couple allows for a more tailored start to a conversation if they “tickle your pickle!”;):lol::love: S xxx

Deleted member 3175

We always read the profiles but at the moment there’s more blanks than what’s filled in..there’s too many people joining putting a few pics up sending random messages then if no one replies straight away you see them viewing how do I delete my account..people are not staying long enough to put information about themselves..they don’t even give it a chance..w..xx :tiphat:
We’re the same, it’s a shame when the sites a great place, they don’t even hang around to find out what they can get out of it when if they put time in. We’ve met some fantastic people, had some seriously good times, but hey it’s their loss! S x
19 March 2015
We’re the same, it’s a shame when the sites a great place, they don’t even hang around to find out what they can get out of it when if they put time in. We’ve met some fantastic people, had some seriously good times, but hey it’s their loss! S x
I’m literally discussing this exact subject with another member right now.
Can’t fathom why it happens. Join, leave, without doing a thing. Genuinely cannot fathom it. X


I’m literally discussing this exact subject with another member right now.
Can’t fathom why it happens. Join, leave, without doing a thing. Genuinely cannot fathom it. X

Same, wank bank material??? Sorry I know that’s blunt but it just seems that way with some of them xxx S x x

To be fair it is difficult to know what to put especially if you are new to the scene is there a guide on it in the FAQ's?? or could it be a requirement for a profile??... im just thinking of ideas as its not a quick fix....

Much like the PV badge although I realise I am not PV'd
19 March 2015
Same, wank bank material??? Sorry I know that’s blunt but it just seems that way with some of them xxx S x x
Could be. We can’t really work it out. One of the main reasons that gets me going, “too difficult to navigate”.
Yet the person I’m speaking with is far from tech savvy and says it’s easy for them.
So I just don’t know. Everything is so easy to find, use and do. I know some things need fixing, that is being done, but it’s not so difficult.
Just Can’t work it out. X

Deleted member 11852

The site is really easy to navigate..I don’t think that is the main’s not just new members though you see some on here who have been away from the site for a couple of years and their info profile is blank..there’s so many profiles on here with no activity at all..even the ones from other sites send random messages before deleting accounts..if mrs h can navigate the site it must be easy..W.. :rofl:
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Could be. We can’t really work it out. One of the main reasons that gets me going, “too difficult to navigate”.
Yet the person I’m speaking with is far from tech savvy and says it’s easy for them.
So I just don’t know. Everything is so easy to find, use and do. I know some things need fixing, that is being done, but it’s not so difficult.
Just Can’t work it out. X

Navigation is good I think its just its different to other well known sites and can throw people off but nothing a little trial and error cant fix..... I am far from tech savy also

Deleted member 3175

Could be. We can’t really work it out. One of the main reasons that gets me going, “too difficult to navigate”.
Yet the person I’m speaking with is far from tech savvy and says it’s easy for them.
So I just don’t know. Everything is so easy to find, use and do. I know some things need fixing, that is being done, but it’s not so difficult.
Just Can’t work it out. X
I think sometimes people just think log on create account to try get a meet/shag I don’t actually think they realise what the sites about. It’s more of “social” site that can lead to more rather than just a meat market. To be able to be amongst other people who share the same interests and “saucy side” :lol: to us is something that just isn’t around in any other sites xxx S x