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10 July 2018
Well no. But it’s still, to a point, at least I think, a mentally drawn attraction. Whether sexual or simply to know more through intrigue. *shrugs*
FWIW I find you a very very interesting and intriguing person tbh. So to a degree, to the opposite sex, that must have a magnetism?
Oh, I think that’s very true. When I consider my close friends (including my unfairly-sexy-friends-not-in-the-scene™) every one of them is intellectually curious about their chosen field in particular and in lots of things in general.
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I don't think we have an order of preference but sense of humor and curiosity are probably the things we find sexiest in ourselves and others. Initially looks catch your eye, but then we need to find something that catches the brain, fortunately everyone we have spoken to on here seem to tick those boxes
10 July 2018
So what’s the opposite of this? Attracted to someone with no intellect?
No, idea, but I know some fellas, and some women, who’re very much like that; never understood it, myself, but they definitely exist.

(One woman I know, bright, intelligent, very successful in her own field, very very much wants NOT to have to think, not to have to have ‘smart conversation’, and just wants bulk and muscle in her sex life. Lack of intellect is a positive advantage as far as she’s concerned.)
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11 August 2015
Sapiosexual - A person who is sexually attracted to intelligence before appearance.

Going off the back of the "there, they're and their" chat, is anyone else turned on by an engaging conversation?

I enjoy having intelligent conversation, and being able to discuss things above our personal scope (philosophy, the universe etc) is an absolute turn on.

Anyone else, or just me?

A sapiosexual, no, not really. I enjoy a conversation so long as it is interesting and there is something to discuss. I have meet a few people who many would not class as intelligent but their knowledge, based on their skills and talents has been a real joy to discuss.


9 November 2015
I know everyone say it’s the mind ... sense of humour ,the conversation but let’s face it .... a nice pair of tits :bouncy::bouncy::tits::tits: is always going to be a winner :D:D:D


18 July 2015
Ok here’s my two pennies worth, I apologise now :eek:

So the label of sapiosexual (if that’s spelt correctly) :D it’s another label for me, quite an insulting one at that.

After reading a profile which went
“I am a sapiosexual so if you have no idea what that means then don’t bother getting in touch”

Well I didn’t know what it means so does that make me thick. Is my lack of intelligence unattractive?

Intelligence comes in many forms surely, I understand the need for writing correctly but isn’t that basic English or has it become cool to speak in another manner.

What if there was a term for people who have less knowledge than others.

Is this label any different to size labelling, race labelling, age labelling?

Are we all different in our own way regardless of any label?

Then I class myself as unintelligent for not understanding and not even knowing there was such a label.

We are all different and beautiful except for non beautiful people (inside not out)
10 July 2018
“I am a sapiosexual so if you have no idea what that means then don’t bother getting in touch”
Yeah, that bugs me, I’ll admit. Being ‘intelligent’ or being intellectually curious about stuff, isn’t the same thing as ‘having swallowed a dictionary’. I’ve made my own position clear, earlier in this thread and in others, but while I’m an admitted snob when it comes to the use of language, that’s an entirely different thing.

And if intelligence is marked by passing exams… all it means you’re good at passing exams, or passing that exam at least. It’s more of a mindset as far as I’m concerned: does the person want to know… more? About stuff they’re interested in? Yes? Cool. Someone who’s not curious, who doesn’t care about learning more about… stuff…? Yeah, I’m unlikely to like them, nor fancy them.

Well I didn’t know what it means so does that make me thick. Is my lack of intelligence unattractive?

Again, two different questions? Does it make you thick? Nope. Not as far as I’m concerned. Does it make you unattractive? To some, yes. To some, no. Same as all of us.

Intelligence comes in many forms surely


I understand the need for writing correctly but isn’t that basic English or has it become cool to speak in another manner.

And yet, different generations and different cultures have different ways of writing. My lad texts to his friends in a language I don’t understand most of the time. (He stopped that nonsense with me when I replied “thank you for your text of 13th inst.”) The thing that matters is writing in a way that’s understood by whoever’s reading. Whether that’s ‘basic English’ or not.
29 August 2019
What is amusing are the people that describe themselves as sapiosexual and seem to think it means that they are intelligent.

Nope, you can be as thick as pigshit but be turned on by intelligence in others :)
Having worked as a labourer on a pug farm in my youth, I can testify that not all pig shit is thick!
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Interesting points raised by you guys, i guess what I find attractive, after the physical stuff, is quite hard to pin down, yes I find smart people sexy, I also find kind people sexy, one guy we talked to at a club was almost brutally honest talking about his depression and anxiety, I felt a rapor with him for sharing something so personal, we both found that very attractive, I think labels used above are not usefull, they are lazy.
Thanks for making me think this through a bit, #notolabels (y)
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18 July 2015
Interesting points raised by you guys, i guess what I find attractive, after the physical stuff, is quite hard to pin down, yes I find smart people sexy, I also find kind people sexy, one guy we talked to at a club was almost brutally honest talking about his depression and anxiety, I felt a rapor with him for sharing something so personal, we both found that very attractive, I think labels used above are not usefull, they are lazy.
Thanks for making me think this through a bit, #notolabels (y)
Love it and let’s start a revolution #notolabels ;)


That’s interesting. In which way?
Umm Its a bit difficult, this is typing about thinking how I think I think! (I just wrote that and had to re-read it)
Ok say I put in our profile that we were looking for Asian/Indian guys (I did do that!) now, through reading the thread it's made me think: Why did i put that? Has that changed? If so why has that changed?
I do regurlally take a look at my profile and see if I want to change it, but I guess I dont often think too much about why, Its just hey here's something I/we want to try. Now I'm having a closer look at what made us have those ideas.
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26 October 2018
Umm Its a bit difficult, this is typing about thinking how I think I think! (I just wrote that and had to re-read it)
Ok say I put in our profile that we were looking for Asian/Indian guys (I did do that!) now, through reading the thread it's made me think: Why did i put that? Has that changed? If so why has that changed?
I do regurlally take a look at my profile and see if I want to change it, but I guess I dont often think too much about why, Its just hey here's something I/we want to try. Now I'm having a closer look at what made us have those ideas.

personally I believe that closing a door any door shuts off an exploration! After all how can we say we don’t like something until we try it ??
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@Stew Exactly what im saying, I had preconcieved ideas, now Im challenging them, We do like Asian/Indian guys, Ive removed it from our profile because we wanted to experience that and it was (for a while) at the top of our list ofthings, we are new to this and still figuring it out. I removed that part of our profile because now we are more open to all ethnicities, it was never Asian guys only.
And as I said to Liz in regards to all this, my default answer to any proposal is yes, there were a few things i would have given a knee jerk NO to, now I'll try anything thats not the 3P's
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@Stew Exactly what im saying, I had preconcieved ideas, now Im challenging them, We do like Asian/Indian guys, Ive removed it from our profile because we wanted to experience that and it was (for a while) at the top of our list ofthings, we are new to this and still figuring it out. I removed that part of our profile because now we are more open to all ethnicities, it was never Asian guys only.
And as I said to Liz in regards to all this, my default answer to any proposal is yes, there were a few things i would have given a knee jerk NO to, now I'll try anything thats not the 3P's
but then why do we draw the line there? some certainly dont!
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26 October 2018
Ok let’s take this right back to basics

  1. (of a person) finding intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
  1. a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.

    We all interact with people every day different intellects , different mindsets , some people have differing views to us, some agree.
    However for me I do find intelligent conversation an attraction! Whether a wordsmith or wit , sarcasm or fun !
    I’m not bi in any way but often we connect with same gender ! Not sexually but in a kind of mates way !
    I enjoy chat with anyone whether about repairing a dishwasher or a naughty chat, the attraction is intelligent conversation!
    It doesn’t commit me to anything it doesn’t mean I’m meeting them or not meeting them, it’s intelligent, civilised, entertaining chat!
    If something comes out of it then great ! If it doesn’t then fine I’ve still had a great chat !
    So win / win
    So open your mind , say hi ...........who knows what may happen !!
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10 July 2018
personally I believe that closing a door any door shuts off an exploration! After all how can we say we don’t like something until we try it ??
That’s a good attitude to start with, but not necessarily applicable in all circumstances. If, for example, (and this is just an example, obviously) I’ve tried sex with much younger women and found that, for whatever reason, I don’t enjoy it as much as with women closer my own age, I don’t think it’s out of order to say ‘no women under 40’. Similar, if a fella finds - after experiencing slimmer women - he enjoys sex more with larger women, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to say as much.

So, prejudging, yes, I wholly agree; it’s daft to shut off opportunities/new things, but it’s not daft to conclude after experiencing that you don’t like x or y.

(honourable exception for straight/gay; I wouldn’t ever suggest to someone who’s gay that they just try the opposite sex, nor someone who’s straight to just try someone of the same sex.)
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