Shoe fetish

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Now did I mention utilitarian..Thingies and for goodness sakes, I was hoping for a rant on a pair of jimis Tut :whistle::rolleyes::eek::lol:
Well, I do tend to laugh whenever I see someone in high heels trying to walk across a field at a festival, especially when their heels sink in and they end up flat on their back in mud... and, aesthetically, heels really do nothing for me at all.
Maybe it's a result of my upbringing (much of my childhood was in a commune where women's roles didn't differ much from men's) that I just don't get their attraction - they just seem slightly vain and ridiculous. The're ultimate manifestation of form over function - the antithesis of function, unless your aim is a broken ankle or a gait like a holstien with advanced BSE. That said, other facets of feminine clothing leave me a quivering lascivious heap... so, hey ho.
A short skirt over a nice pair of leggings (or stockings) with a pair of good tough boots scuffed and muddy from climbing a tree or jumping a ditch ... phworr, gimme gimme, gimme!!
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22 July 2015
Not so much shoes but heels definitely, whether they be on shoes or boots. If I can get my partner to keep them on during, I will. Lol. Now excuse me while I go and have a cold shower. :D


I think you'll agree these are far more practical:

Stihl Dynamic S3 water-resistant nubuck leather chainsaw boots
Class 1 chainsaw protection made to EN 17249 and En 20345 S2 plus orthopedic foot protection, BGR 191, with removable ergonomic insoles, steel mid sole and cushing PU mid sole.

You know it makes sense. ;)

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15 September 2014
I think you'll agree these are far more practical:

Stihl Dynamic S3 water-resistant nubuck leather chainsaw boots
Class 1 chainsaw protection made to EN 17249 and En 20345 S2 plus orthopedic foot protection, BGR 191, with removable ergonomic insoles, steel mid sole and cushing PU mid sole.

You know it makes sense. ;)


haha :D that's the way...
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