Social Aspects Of Swinging

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15 September 2014

Social Aspects of Swinging

Swinging is a social activity. Whether attending a party, meeting with another couple privately, or engaging with a single person for a threesome, the participants talk with one another, eat, drink and laugh - all with the purpose of becoming acquainted in order to sexually enjoy one another.

I recall one of the first sites we joined and a lady whom we first spoke with, and still do to this very day, said to me once; “Sex laughs are better between friends”.

Sexual activity may or may not follow however. As swingers ourselves, we know that friendships are just as important – and making friends with like-minded people, doesn’t always entail ‘just sex’.

Many swingers have swinging friends they have known for months, even years that they have not been sexually involved with. Just because you’re a swinger or swingers, doesn’t mean to say that every friendship in the scene – is a sexual friendship.

Private clubs and party houses offer a place to gather to swing.

The environment is meant to be one of social warmth and belonging. It is pleasurable to meet new people, friends and acquaintances at a party. Pleasant memories come from lounging, perhaps partially dressed or nude, In a group around the fireplace, talking, listening to music, laughing and warming up to another. This may happen in a hot tub, Jacuzzi or pool as well. When these social experiences are complimented by enjoyable sexual experience the appeal of swinging is understood.

We recently went to another one of our friends’ house, for a house party. There was a good number of people who attended and there was playing, chatting, laughs but the key factor was a mutual understanding between everyone – playing, not playing, eating/drinking, we are all of the same ilk and all there to have fun. Which by the way, it was too. :)


Though some couples who swing have open marriages and have swinging dates apart, the majority of couples do not date separately. They see swinging as an activity/lifestyle to enjoy together, as a part of their relationship. The social involvement of swinging often extends into the business world as swingers trade and do business with people they have met through swinging.

These people feel an understanding and trust exists between them.

Nudity and Dress. The common attire at an off-premise activity is dressy, often sexy. The common attire for an on-premise swing party may be dress or casual, but with the expectation of partial or even full nudity. At some clubs and private parties nudity is the general rule, but at others may be confined to certain areas such as the swing areas (bedrooms), pool and spa. It is common for participants to take lingerie, a robe or other slip-on attire to the party.

Whether new to swinging or not, you’re guaranteed to make friends along the way. Some to have sexual encounters of course, however, as mentioned – it may not always be the case.

There is a huge social element to swinging / the scene and social events held in clubs/pubs and even house parties, all prove as a testament to this.

The social aspect of swinging is just as important as the lifestyle itself..

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i got involved in swinging because of the social side coming from a BDSM background i thought all swinging was was well sex not like BDSM at all which occurs on a much higher plane of human existence :lol: so how suprised was i to find a great gang of accepting people partying enjoying life and having a good time and since then never looked back


18 July 2015
i got involved in swinging because of the social side coming from a BDSM background i thought all swinging was was well sex not like BDSM at all which occurs on a much higher plane of human existence :lol: so how suprised was i to find a great gang of accepting people partying enjoying life and having a good time and since then never looked back
Same here and parties are the best way of meeting and having a good time :love:xx
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18 July 2015
Last of the international sex kittens here, i will go any where for a party, well when Mistress let's me out xx
Well that will be good then, so behave and you can come to the party and am sure Mistress will allow xx
26 October 2018
How important is the (non sexual ) social side to everyone, whether it’s a one on one coffee meet, or a social occasion with a group of swingers ? Just curious
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Deleted member 3175

How important is the (non sexual ) social side to everyone, whether it’s a one on one coffee meet, or a social occasion with a group of swingers ? Just curious

Very important to us. I find that the social aspect where people relaxed either one on one or a group, it allows you to gauge how people are, get a read of them and also I find it enables you to decide whether you take it further or not, especially when meeting someone for the first time. S x
10 March 2015
How important is the (non sexual ) social side to everyone, whether it’s a one on one coffee meet, or a social occasion with a group of swingers ? Just curious

For us, the social side is very important.
We have to "like" the person/people we might end up having sex with, our view is, we wouldn't have sex with anyone we wouldn't want to be friends with.
Sometimes in the "heat of battle" at a club or party, it's possible we will/have play(ed) with someone we haven't got to know, so it's not absolutely set in stone, but for the most part that's the way we like to go.

Deleted member 11852

How important is the (non sexual ) social side to everyone, whether it’s a one on one coffee meet, or a social occasion with a group of swingers ? Just curious
It's very important to us..we are not interested in collecting notches on bedposts..we want to meet with regular people who you have already got to know...either through chatting or meeting for a drink plus it's nice to be able to chat when your not meeting up as least this way it's not just all about sex..there's a strong friendship there too..this is another reason we like this site so's very nature is friendship as well as fun..not like the meat market sites that are out feel safe meeting people from this site and that counts for a lot..all the members we have met on here have been lovely and the meets we have had have all started as friends chatting to each's definitely unique to this site..W..:tiphat:
19 March 2015
Without any form of social interaction, clubs aside, how can you then go on and entertain others in your bedroom as a couple?
I say clubs aside as sometimes it’s a simple case of instant physical interaction and on to the next, so to speak. :D