Bit difficult to remove a tattoo when you get it!!I do believe all the media hype hasn’t helped the situation,it’s made people apprehensive of what the future holds ,as for swinging will it become small cliques just maintaining a bubble ,not allowing anyone in ... not sure under present restrictions if any club will function again,will local authorities allow them ?
The spontaneity of meeting for example in a club will you play with anyone you have just met ?
What will you need a tattoo on your forehead saying “CovidFree” ....
What happens when the next new virus comes along .... ?
HIV Aids is a coronavirus and we have learnt to live with that killer virus. We need to be protected and learn how to deal with this virus, which will take time as the scientific community still don’t understand how this virus is transmitted.
It depends how much much you value your life, I am not scared of catching it, but I am not going to make it easy for the virus to get me. And I am certainly not going to risk anything until a vaccine is developed, tested and is in common use.
I believe clubs will be functioning again, but temperature checks will need to taken and maybe a certificate of vaccination. But the other problem with this virus is that it incubates for 5 days before you show symptoms. So you could be non symptomatic ie no temperature and go to a club not knowing that you have the virus and still spread it unknowingly and how many of us want test and trace to know that we were at that club.