Mother Nature gives us humans a pandemic every hundred years or so to balance the population. So the Spanish flu killed about a third of the world’s population.
So in the last hundred years we now think of flu as nothing but around 23,000 people die from this in the U.K. every year. A vaccine for flu is normally a strain that was in the Southern Hemisphere for the last winter so our summer and then this vaccine is given to the elderly and most vulnerable people although some years there have been over 48,000 deaths when the flu is a different strain or a more severe strain. So they don’t always get it right.
So in six months the excess deaths for the U.K. is over 60,000 most of these will be down to Covid-19 and this over spring and summer period. The person may not have it had it, but may not have been able to get to hospital for other treatments. Also as we have not been travelling as much or out and about, Road traffic collisions and accidental deaths should be lower this year.
It’s not the case of thinking that this virus is a hoax, scamdemic or media sensation it’s about protecting your life and the lives of others. Rant over