Spare Tyres...

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15 September 2014
It's good to read everyone opinion on such a conman issue.
Let's be honest whether it male or female, we all have imperfections or what we think are imperfections, that others don't see. It's not until you get into a scene as this do you start to realize that others don't see them or don't care about them. If people do judge or take a dislike to what is nature doing what it does best, then they are not worth getting to know let alone swing with.
Can I just take a minute and ask people to actually read and absorb this. Because never a truer word spoken. I concur fully.
If people have to poke fun and judge others' based purely on photos, then are they people who you really wish to mingle with in the first place?
No.... me neither.
People should stop being so judgemental, narcissistic and full of self importance.
Unless of course, they are holier than thou and to be brutally honest, if they think they are and are in this lifestyle, then their moral compass is well and truly screwed. Worse than 99% of the rest of ours..

Some of the most beautiful people - are the ugliest.
'Twas me who approved them and all I will say on this is - Mrs Brum you look amazing Miss. x
You look better than amazing. I was being polite as I am being professional. From a personal point of view, there is nothing more appealing than nature itself. When you see someone being unscathed by people who are ignorant and unable to see further than their nose, then good on you.
You look amazing.. Mrs @Brumcouple2013


Can I just take a minute and ask people to actually read and absorb this. Because never a truer word spoken. I concur fully.
If people have to poke fun and judge others' based purely on photos, then are they people who you really wish to mingle with in the first place?
No.... me neither.
People should stop being so judgemental, narcissistic and full of self importance.
Unless of course, they are holier than thou and to be brutally honest, if they think they are and are in this lifestyle, then their moral compass is well and truly screwed. Worse than 99% of the rest of ours..

Some of the most beautiful people - are the ugliest.

You look better than amazing. I was being polite as I am being professional. From a personal point of view, there is nothing more appealing than nature itself. When you see someone being unscathed by people who are ignorant and unable to see further than their nose, then good on you.
You look amazing.. Mrs @Brumcouple2013
I have nothing to add... makes a change.. this just about covers it..

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. X
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25 July 2016
Can I just take a minute and ask people to actually read and absorb this. Because never a truer word spoken. I concur fully.
If people have to poke fun and judge others' based purely on photos, then are they people who you really wish to mingle with in the first place?
No.... me neither.
People should stop being so judgemental, narcissistic and full of self importance.
Unless of course, they are holier than thou and to be brutally honest, if they think they are and are in this lifestyle, then their moral compass is well and truly screwed. Worse than 99% of the rest of ours..

Some of the most beautiful people - are the ugliest.

You look better than amazing. I was being polite as I am being professional. From a personal point of view, there is nothing more appealing than nature itself. When you see someone being unscathed by people who are ignorant and unable to see further than their nose, then good on you.
You look amazing.. Mrs @Brumcouple2013

Thanks for such kind and supportive words. Mrs Brum is so touched by both everyone's comments and responses to the pictures.
God we love this site.
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18 July 2015
The dreaded tummy debate, yes we all have them from mummy tums to beer tums to just plain cake and choccy tums. I have a tummy and stretch marks but that's part of me that I'm never going to change or even want to.

In a society of internet we now have to put up with beautiful women and men on a regular basis and feel we should look like them. Really...
So what if you have a tum, a big nose, petruding teeth and so on, we are who we are.

I am 5'6 and have long legs, great you think, this caused bullying in school which took some time for me to realise, I am who I am and I can't change that, my cousin has no legs and refuses to wear artificial limbs, she is beautiful and accepts that she has been given the body she has so gets on with it, it doesn't make her less beautiful than anyone else and yes she has taken all the shit from mindless people as you can imagine. She laughs at them all and her response to name calling is "at least I have the option to change my appearance, you can't change your brain"

We as humans need to be accepting of who we are. We have one life and it's so short, worrying about who we are is a waste of energy but if you can change then do it. If not then don't worry about it. Beautiful people are within and not what you see on the outside.


No size doesnt matter ,4 kid's and nearly 50 years old I have a jelly belly ,yes I get paranoid sometimes but its how you feel inside that defines you . I go out with my daughters and they feel more paranoid than me if I get chatted up these days
Your a MILF (y) we all have wobbly bits x
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I love my baby belly (y) any scars or imperfections on my body are because they are a map of my life....... Just wish I hadn't travelled so much :rofl::rofl:
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7 January 2017
I'm carrying more than a spare tyre, try a muffin basket, cake shelf and chocolate cupboard, and I am always self-concious about my body. We are our own worst critics and everyone's body is normal, beautiful and has a great variety of shapes and sizes.

Being in a club you'll see people, some bigger, some smaller than yourself all with their own personal insecurites. But whilst being there, everyone is accepted for who they are, what they look like, their shape, size, figure, age, skin colour, marmite preference and favourite position.

What we don't like about ourselves, somebody else loves about us. It's a hard thing to accept yourself, it's even harder to be okay with yourself. You, me, we, us are all beautiful people.

(Except those who like Marmite! :p)
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Deleted member 3175

I'm a bit paranoid about my belly. Any sign of a spare tyre and I'm reaching for the latest diet Bible... Does it matter? I think I know the answer, but still need to ask...

I'm the same not being of the smaller size, I have more rolls than a Morrisons bread isle but it's who I am and how I have always been. My baby belly was there before my child and still remains! I have come to like it, great for resting your cuppa or wine glass on!

I try to rock my curves and jelly belly. Hubbie loves it and to be honest if you can be comfortable in your own skin, what's a bit of wobble?!? Means there's more of ya to get hold of! Now come here :mwah::flutter:xxxx
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I'm a bit paranoid about my belly. Any sign of a spare tyre and I'm reaching for the latest diet Bible... Does it matter? I think I know the answer, but still need to ask...
You look great. Jeez I have more spare tyres than an F1 pit crew but you know what - I don't care. And that's the key, if you're happy on your own skin then f&@K what others think, if you're not then do what needs to be done. You're a great looking person with an equally great figure . I'm sure you're personality is just as great which is a massive plus in my books. :)
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15 September 2014
You look great. Jeez I have more spare tyres than an F1 pit crew but you know what - I don't care. And that's the key, if you're happy on your own skin then f&@K what others think, if you're not then do what needs to be done. You're a great looking person with an equally great figure . I'm sure you're personality is just as great which is a massive plus in my books. :)
Agreed! (y)
Although I found the initial sentence quite funny. It's the way you tell em man! :D
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You look great. Jeez I have more spare tyres than an F1 pit crew but you know what - I don't care. And that's the key, if you're happy on your own skin then f&@K what others think, if you're not then do what needs to be done. You're a great looking person with an equally great figure . I'm sure you're personality is just as great which is a massive plus in my books. :)
Thank you. I think I was just having a 'moment' :rofl: Mental note to self - lay off the whisky and late night forum posts....
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14 February 2017
I'm a bit paranoid about my belly. Any sign of a spare tyre and I'm reaching for the latest diet Bible... Does it matter? I think I know the answer, but still need to ask...
It shouldn't matter but as a female it's bugs the life out of me. I think I am more conscious of my body than anyone else and will always pick fault x
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7 November 2016
Doesn't matter a jot: I've been starting to get one since I stopped playing rugby and it's a real pain.
27 May 2016
Can I just take a minute and ask people to actually read and absorb this. Because never a truer word spoken. I concur fully.
If people have to poke fun and judge others' based purely on photos, then are they people who you really wish to mingle with in the first place?
No.... me neither.
People should stop being so judgemental, narcissistic and full of self importance.
Unless of course, they are holier than thou and to be brutally honest, if they think they are and are in this lifestyle, then their moral compass is well and truly screwed. Worse than 99% of the rest of ours..

Some of the most beautiful people - are the ugliest.

You look better than amazing. I was being polite as I am being professional. From a personal point of view, there is nothing more appealing than nature itself. When you see someone being unscathed by people who are ignorant and unable to see further than their nose, then good on you.
You look amazing.. Mrs @Brumcouple2013

Of course, by posting photos, we are asking our peers to 'judge' (hate that word) us, that's half the fun here, the window shopping.

None of us here are anywhere near perfect, but there are some truly great pictures out there of real people, real bodies. For me, it's not about whether you are 'beautiful' or 'model material' BUT I do think pictures can say a lot about you, how you present yourself (we've had the discussion about the dreaded toilet pics before). You wouldn't go to a job interview without thinking long and hard about how you're going to come across, so a little thought into how you want to been seen here doesn't go amiss either (just my opinion).
So hell yes, embrace those wobbly bits, stretch marks, whatever, show us that you love them, and we will too.


9 November 2015
Of course, by posting photos, we are asking our peers to 'judge' (hate that word) us, that's half the fun here, the window shopping.

None of us here are anywhere near perfect, but there are some truly great pictures out there of real people, real bodies. For me, it's not about whether you are 'beautiful' or 'model material' BUT I do think pictures can say a lot about you, how you present yourself (we've had the discussion about the dreaded toilet pics before). You wouldn't go to a job interview without thinking long and hard about how you're going to come across, so a little thought into how you want to been seen here doesn't go amiss either (just my opinion).
So hell yes, embrace those wobbly bits, stretch marks, whatever, show us that you love them, and we will too.
Have to say I have "window shopped " your media more than once ;) looks pretty perfect to me ... :)