How do you manage to enjoy this lifestyle whilst having a family too?
Let's face it, it's a logistical nightmare and can prove to be challenging at the best of times.
We prefer liaisons at home but having two children still at home (after two now left/in uni etc) can be very awkward for us.
As some may know, the last 18 months have been difficult family wise and that also means we're now in a position where we can ask only one person to babysit.
This proves even more challenging for when we're possibly arranging for company but also may have an event coming up too.
For instance, we're arranging something for a couple of weeks' time but also have Xtasia on the horizon too. So where do we draw the line? It's a real balancing act.
Sacrifice personal home meets in favour of events?
We know most of you have families too, so how do you manage with it and how do you prioritise things?
Let's face it, it's a logistical nightmare and can prove to be challenging at the best of times.
We prefer liaisons at home but having two children still at home (after two now left/in uni etc) can be very awkward for us.
As some may know, the last 18 months have been difficult family wise and that also means we're now in a position where we can ask only one person to babysit.
This proves even more challenging for when we're possibly arranging for company but also may have an event coming up too.
For instance, we're arranging something for a couple of weeks' time but also have Xtasia on the horizon too. So where do we draw the line? It's a real balancing act.
Sacrifice personal home meets in favour of events?
We know most of you have families too, so how do you manage with it and how do you prioritise things?