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Take the knee



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
So another night of fixtures and accumulators ? Millwall seems to be the topic of conversation,after the fans booed during taking the knee.Tbh most of us aren't surprised.We don't expect much less from them.But it appears other clubs are now starting to choose not to.So do you agree with the knee thing?


9 November 2015
No ..... all lives matter
don’t think it should be part of any sporting event ...



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
PSG? Yeah fuck the knee pointless what are a load of loaded privileged footballers getting on a knee gonna do x
Yh they're still kicking off.Ref was asked who to book and he said the black bloke over there.Which is quite risky but the fact he's romanian hasn't done him any favours.Google the albanian word for black ? x
19 March 2015
Being anti BLM isn’t racist. You’re being against Marxism, Communism and Socialism.

Black lives DO matter as does every life. But that’s blm not BLM the organisation which these are kneeling for.

Kneeling in our culture is a sign of submission and respect to those above us in hierarchy.
We, as Brits - never kneel unless it’s for God, the Queen or Church. It’s really that simple.
The problem is, this movement is from across the Atlantic with the heads of BLM even saying themselves they’re “trained Marxists” and want “defunding” of the police. It’s there in B&W for all to see.

So now that we’ve a better grip on the organisation, the facts are - sports should never be political.

Wear a Poppy with pride yes. A red one. It’s a sign of respect for the dead who died for our freedoms.
But kneeling in footie and raising fists like Hamilton does? No.
End racism. Stop racism. Yes.

Support political ideologies that want to deconstruct our society? No way. ? x


18 July 2015
It was only yes or no ????
15 March 2020
As a very recent ex serviceman I will only kneel for very specific reasons. The Monarch and the fallen service men and women.
1 September 2018
Trained Marxists who want to abolish the nuclear family so more children grow up without male role models . And believe that ANY policy or societal norm from a white person is racist and must be opposed, including science or medical breakthroughs.
Why do people keep returning to these communist/socialist daydreams. Has history not taught us anything .
Aaaaargh. Rant over. Xx G
Oh and to answer the question. NO I kneel for no man/woman. (Unless she is wearing leather and wants me to suck her toes before abusing her). Haha.
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