Taking it seriously

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20 May 2022
I've been to a couple of venues in the past and always enter with the intention of enjoying the social aspect alone. Most of the time it always ends up with some kinky fun, but I never go out with preconceptions. Although I've had my fair share of cam fun you simply cannot beat the feeling of getting all done-up before heading out to meet with others in a real-world situation.

Deleted member 11852

I think I am at the stage where I can take it or leave it.. I have seen a massive change in the lifestyle just in the 4 years we have been here.. I enjoy chatting with people but it doesn't usually lead to anything.. We seem to just chat more than anything now... W.. 😊😊


9 November 2015
Do you?
Online or in rt

I used to but not anymore, I see this as a good laugh and nothing more and my attitude is, if anything happens then bonus and if not who gives a fuck, it’s all a joke and a giggle 🤭
This site has been one of the best things I’ve done ,yes I’ve had ups and down , yes there are still some probably don’t want me here but they really don’t matter to me ,I concentrate on those that make this place a fun distraction from everyday stuff …
The last year has made me realise that dating or relationship probably won’t work for me (yes I did try dating….didn’t work out again)
I don’t think you can take it seriously it will do your head in 🤯 it’s just a case of enjoying the laughs and if you get to meet enjoy the experience being with likeminded people ….
17 August 2021
Yes, but swinging doesn't take me seriously.
Never met anyone in person that I met online.
Online is just chat. And very little of that. Mostly it's just being ignored, trying to figure out how to fit in and lots of bots that love me.
I see swinging like a secrete society that you have to wait for someone to invite you in .
If you are not on the inside, nobody will talk to you
26 July 2016
Do I take swinging seriously! Online not really, banter, flirting and chit-chat it's all a bit of fun where's the harm. Real life though I've probably not taken it seriously enough when it comes to health and safety. In the past been too eager for a meet with people, I've been lucky with the people who I've met none of them turned out to be axe wielding psycho serial killers, one or two wierdos though. :eek: