The Great Big, Wobbly Social Swinging Chrimbo Quiz!!!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1030
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18 July 2015
Ive checked out a few agencies but so far all they’ve offered is Kermit the frog and Lionel Blair. :hmm:

Deleted member 1030

Tom Hardy and Robbie Williams said they might drop by, after their macrame class.
20 December 2017
:xmas::santa: It's that time of year again folks. Rosy-cheeked urchins build snowmen, fat men in hats talk about turkeys, old grannies knit cards for the homeless (or something), soft drinks lorries and department store adverts uphold traditions that we've had for, ooh, must be going on for three years now and it becomes acceptable to drink bourbon for breakfast.
Yes, 'tis the season to be jolly and what better place to achieve this nirvana of festive silliness than the The Great Big, Wobbly Social Swinging Chrimbo Quiz? There will be more questions than usual and a sillier, more frustrating bonus. :tada::xmas-puds::beer:

This is open to all members, so quizzers old and new are all welcome! Cockwell Inn chat room, 8 p.m. this Thursday (21st December)
Evening !! As a newbie where is being held ??