The Unknown/ Paranormal

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26 July 2016
Not let's be clear I I don't think ghosties and such like exist but I do have a problem saying how this was possible so answers on a postcard please. A few years ago I was asked to visit Steads Mill in Leeds to carry out some work whilst it was closed and was told nobody would be on site that evening. When I arrived the main yard was lit up like an Xmas tree so I went through the Mill to access yard. The yard was bigger than a footy pitch and flat. Nobody was around so cursing someone for leaving the lights on I turned to close the loading area door only for someone close behind me say are you looking for me. After nearly crapping myself with shock and a quick thought of how did I not see this fella we had a quick chat and he said he and a mate had been called in to fix a big dryer. I then left him and went and did my work then left but put in my report that I need to know in future if anyone is around. The next day I got a call could I go back to the Mill along with my boss as nobody was supposed to be at the mill. Anyway they asked me for a discripton of the old guy that I had spoken to so I told them what he was wearing and what he had said he was doing and eben his name and for reasons I won't go into I said I noticed he was an ex Cole miner. They went off had a chat then and came back with another guy and asked me about the bloke again. It seems the guy I said I spoke to had got killed some 20 years before whilst repairing a dryer that fell over and killed him. I told them his name, what he was wearing and also about a scare he had on his face.


18 July 2015
Not let's be clear I I don't think ghosties and such like exist but I do have a problem saying how this was possible so answers on a postcard please. A few years ago I was asked to visit Steads Mill in Leeds to carry out some work whilst it was closed and was told nobody would be on site that evening. When I arrived the main yard was lit up like an Xmas tree so I went through the Mill to access yard. The yard was bigger than a footy pitch and flat. Nobody was around so cursing someone for leaving the lights on I turned to close the loading area door only for someone close behind me say are you looking for me. After nearly crapping myself with shock and a quick thought of how did I not see this fella we had a quick chat and he said he and a mate had been called in to fix a big dryer. I then left him and went and did my work then left but put in my report that I need to know in future if anyone is around. The next day I got a call could I go back to the Mill along with my boss as nobody was supposed to be at the mill. Anyway they asked me for a discripton of the old guy that I had spoken to so I told them what he was wearing and what he had said he was doing and eben his name and for reasons I won't go into I said I noticed he was an ex Cole miner. They went off had a chat then and came back with another guy and asked me about the bloke again. It seems the guy I said I spoke to had got killed some 20 years before whilst repairing a dryer that fell over and killed him. I told them his name, what he was wearing and also about a scare he had on his face.

Deleted member 1030

There is no scientific proof of the paranormal. Nobody has ever been able to, empirically, show that ghosts exist, mediums can contact the dead or that other phenomena, such as telekinesis, are real. This means that I would have to say, no, I don't believe in these things. Most occurrences can be explained with current knowledge i.e. weather conditions, electrical interference etc.

However, I do realise that science hasn't got the answer for everything. Scientists would be the first to admit this - the default position of most science is "we don't know for certain, but this is the best explanation we can give with the facts that are available".
As the Bard (Shakespeare, not Billy Bragg lol) wrote;
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.


18 July 2015
There is no scientific proof of the paranormal. Nobody has ever been able to, empirically, show that ghosts exist, mediums can contact the dead or that other phenomena, such as telekinesis, are real. This means that I would have to say, no, I don't believe in these things. Most occurrences can be explained with current knowledge i.e. weather conditions, electrical interference etc.

However, I do realise that science hasn't got the answer for everything. Scientists would be the first to admit this - the default position of most science is "we don't know for certain, but this is the best explanation we can give with the facts that are available".
As the Bard (Shakespeare, not Billy Bragg lol) wrote;
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
You never saw ghost busters either :whistle::D


15 September 2014
There is no scientific proof of the paranormal. Nobody has ever been able to, empirically, show that ghosts exist, mediums can contact the dead or that other phenomena, such as telekinesis, are real. This means that I would have to say, no, I don't believe in these things. Most occurrences can be explained with current knowledge i.e. weather conditions, electrical interference etc.

However, I do realise that science hasn't got the answer for everything. Scientists would be the first to admit this - the default position of most science is "we don't know for certain, but this is the best explanation we can give with the facts that are available".
As the Bard (Shakespeare, not Billy Bragg lol) wrote;
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.
Yes but, and playing devils advocate here, there is no proof to suggest that there isn't either.
So just as one argument can be stated; There's no proof to prove that such things exist - there's no solid proof to then prove that they cannot prove otherwise either.
i.e how can you tell someone what they saw, was not after all what they actually did see?
If not then what is it they did see?
Yes there's anomalies in electricity and cameras and so forth, the majority of the time easily found out too. But what about the ones that cannot be proven to be fake etc?
Now there's a thought.

Like that saying from a Christmas film; (of all things)
"Ever seen a million dollars?" .. "No".... "but you know it exists."

Deleted member 3657

I have seen something. When I was based at London Radar in West Drayton, I lived at RAF Uxbridge. The block I was in was on old WWII block. I lived on the top floor at the end of the corridor. I was sat in my room watching film, it was about 2100. All of a sudden I saw a blurred type shadow figure move across the room. First of all I thought a car had driven past and had cast some kind of shadow. Then realised my curtain was drawn so how could it? 10 minutes later I saw the same figure go the other way. Some weeks later I was chatting to the guys and admitted what I saw and so expected the usual banter to come my way but instead I was asked "Not you as well?" Others had seen things in the past. We decided to look in to the history of the camp further and discovered that our accommodation block was used as a hospital ward during the war and that there was a closed off basement which was a morgue.
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