Tv/F Tv/M couples on sites

  • Thread starter jenniferjones
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Best get that potters wheel out...
I can feel a personalised ashtray coming on! Pmsl
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15 September 2014
Well, I am working but popping inbetween. So many to adjust you wouldn't believe..
Adding MMF, MMFF etc to the mix for fun for me too, these need adjusting as well so am tied up to say the least.
Well... not literally... :unsure:
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15 September 2014
wow i wasn't expecting this x

Indeed and although your thread has been slightly hijacked (apologies and I of all should know better.. ) I wasn't going to not act on this, yes it will take 2-3 days for me to do, as we have to adjust every single account afterwards, but that's not your problem to worry about.. ;)
What IS your issue, is the fact we didn't include this in settings, so as a result, I read this and acted on it instantly.
All I ask for peeps is to have some patience with me while I do it all. As you can imagine, manually adjusting all of the accounts is going to take considerable time.. :) (y)


Well it shows that you have gone well and above the customer service side.
As i said in the original post it is a common problem with most sites and with anything in life unless it effects us either directly or indirectly it is not our concern. Big Well Done!


Indeed and although your thread has been slightly hijacked (apologies and I of all should know better.. ) I wasn't going to not act on this, yes it will take 2-3 days for me to do, as we have to adjust every single account afterwards, but that's not your problem to worry about.. ;)
What IS your issue, is the fact we didn't include this in settings, so as a result, I read this and acted on it instantly.
All I ask for peeps is to have some patience with me while I do it all. As you can imagine, manually adjusting all of the accounts is going to take considerable time.. :) (y)
Hijacked!! Oh I say :D
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15 September 2014
All done.... Okay it's taken me 3 days to organise everyone's accounts, but it's done.
I have added the new categories for how you use this site, and edited every...single...member on the site into the correct categories.
I apologise for the length of time to do it, but as you can imagine - it is no small thing to do.
Hopefully things will become easier for people in searches too, as I have removed ALL men acting as ladies.. yes there were a few..

@jenniferjones I hope you are very happy with this, and that I have added the categories correctly. :)
Admin :) x


suppose it will have to do ! *

*did i get you there? it is amazing that you have done all that! goes to show how much you want this site to be even better!
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