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Granted all generalisations are wrong, including his one lol. But I had a realisation.

When a lady wants to pull. She takes off her big underwear, and puts on somerhing small, tight and sexy.
I have to take off some think small, tight and sexy and put on big man underwear lmao

Not something I am very familiar with...

But "When a lady wants to pull. She takes off her big underwear, and puts on somerhing small, tight and sexy."
takes off her big underwear!
Bloody hell hun.. Sounds like the women you go for would snap you



...is marginally less worse
Then you are stuffed... It's all I have to offer..
Cute is better than nice and usually a start to something..
Fishing usually ends up with an empty net..
Let's settle on cute in a nice way..
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4 July 2017
Then you are stuffed... It's all I have to offer..
Cute is better than nice and usually a start to something..
Fishing usually ends up with an empty net..
Let's settle on cute in a nice way..
How about you just call me Joe and I won't call you sugar tits? Deal? :)


Interestingly, when looking for stuff to take on holiday came across the 'towie' I had bought at Swingfields a couple of years ago. Someone took a picture of several of us wearing them, but that's gone missing so here is a pic of one -

One Sided Thong - Half Tan Thong

Might look erotic (although Rose thinks it looks ridiculous!) but it's very impractical, as soon as you start walking it comes off (which wasn't a problem at (Swingfields but would be on a beach!)
4 July 2017
Interestingly, when looking for stuff to take on holiday came across the 'towie' I had bought at Swingfields a couple of years ago. Someone took a picture of several of us wearing them, but that's gone missing so here is a pic of one -

One Sided Thong - Half Tan Thong

Might look erotic (although Rose thinks it looks ridiculous!) but it's very impractical, as soon as you start walking it comes off (which wasn't a problem at (Swingfields but would be on a beach!)
Just WTactualF? :eek: