Using the site question

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Hi, we're pretty new to this site, but I'm struggling with a couple of features. I can't seem to get the member search to work? It works if I search for "midlands" and it works if I put in our age (to see who'd want us, lol), but not both. Am I doing it wrong? If I put our age in and location I get the message "The specified member cannot be found. Please enter a member's entire name."
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And I don't seem to be able to see any pictures other than profile pics. I'm not sure that's by design or if it's broken. It tells me "No media has been added yet" but then you have a pic of the month thread, so I'm confused. I thought I saw something about the gallery being offline, but I can't find it now.

Oh and I can't edit my original message?


15 September 2014
Hi guys,
to answer you as best I can really;
1, The member search page is exact criteria governed, but sadly some time back part of it went glitchy on us. We have been trying and trying to resolve the issue with no avail. As such multiple queries will work and then won't. It's something I am acutely aware of and will be fixing very shortly with a much better and further enhanced search page.

2, This is correct. You cannot view anyone's photos until you have at least two genuine and authentic photos up of yourselves.
It's a security step/ feature we implemented some time back, in order to try and protect our members from pic collectors and the like.
I'm happy to say that so far it is proving to have benefited the site as people cannot now just join and go straight to the gallery to view your photos.

3, no, you have a set time within which to do it, to prevent people from possibly exploiting it by editing flame posts - we've not had any, but think futureproof. (y)

Hope this helps? The search page is something I am aware of and we will soon be implementing a far more superior search page.
Many thanks
Admin :) x