Virtual Orgy

  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
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15 September 2014
You should have seen him in his kilt... Phoar nom nom :sneaky::sneaky:
Ooh yes indeed darling.. nom nom you didn't say no xx
I think I should embrace the Scottish side of my family! Is it acceptable to wear stockings with a kilt? ;):rofl::whistle:
:D yes I think so!
Us Welsh have kilts too. I was so surprised by how many people asked me; "Are you Scottish? Thought you were Welsh" :p
Can't imagine him in a kilt, the thought just make me giggle! :giggle:
I has pics somewhere. Definitely made a statement ;) x
Oh he looked amazing with those rugby player legs :whistle::sneaky:
Why thank you xx


No invite to a virtual orgy but we're at Chams tomorrow night so could have a real one ;):D