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14 February 2017
What have you done today (this week/month/year) to make you feel proud?

We live our lives day by day, but what have you done or achieved that has made you feel proud?

We need to 'big' ourselves up sometimes, give ourselves a pat on the back so to speak.

Please share your experiences, you never know, they may spur someone else on or give someone the confidence to do something like that themselves. xx
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14 February 2017
improved my fitness, started running and body combat...three stones down and feeling a lot better Big thing for me as i have always struggled with my weight.
Pussycat xxx
Wow, well done xx I can sympathise with you as I've had the same issues. You can be my personal trainer lol x


9 November 2015
It's well documented here that I lost more than 3 stone in weight over the last couple of years ... I recently reached the target i set myself of 13 1/2 stone quite proud of that because I have no will power and love my food ... I do feel much better about myself and being here and lovely compliments help no end as I have never seen myself as attractive or sexy ...
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14 February 2017
It's well documented here that I lost more than 3 stone in weight over the last couple of years ... I recently reached the target i set myself of 13 1/2 stone quite proud of that because I have no will power and love my food ... I do feel much better about myself and being here and lovely compliments help no end as I have never seen myself as attractive or sexy ...
All you people losing weight is putting me to shame! I have lost almost 4 stone over the last couple of years but I'm afraid I lose motivation too quickly. I maintain what I've lost mostly but can't seem to find the motivation again xx
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9 November 2015
All you people losing weight is putting me to shame! I have lost almost 4 stone over the last couple of years but I'm afraid I lose motivation too quickly. I maintain what I've lost mostly but can't seem to find the motivation again xx
It's difficult to keep going but for me the nice comments on my media are added motivation....I don't exercise or follow a diet as such all I have done is cut down on what I like .... although cutting out the builders breakfast and mars bars has helped no end .... :)


What have you done today (this week/month/year) to make you feel proud?

We live our lives day by day, but what have you done or achieved that has made you feel proud?

We need to 'big' ourselves up sometimes, give ourselves a pat on the back so to speak.

Please share your experiences, you never know, they may spur someone else on or give someone the confidence to do something like that themselves. xx
Gave an 80 yr old a massive hug and told her all would be ok, during her procedure, id be there throughout and afterwards.. i was.. and it was :love:
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14 February 2017
Gave an 80 yr old a massive hug and told her all would be ok, during her procedure, id be there throughout and afterwards.. i was.. and it was :love:
Omg, that is awesome. To be able to reassure someone and put their fears at bay. I thank you for being there for that lady, it would have meant the world to her xx
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Omg, that is awesome. To be able to reassure someone and put their fears at bay. I thank you for being there for that lady, it would have meant the world to her xx
Its all in a days work, but i felt good today such a little cutie.. :) xxx she left a note for me on the desk.. penned by her daughter it made me cry.. and my aching feet disapear for a short while!! :D
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14 February 2017
Its all in a days work, but i felt good today such a little cutie.. :) xxx she left a note for me on the desk.. penned by her daughter it made me cry.. and my aching feet disapear for a short while!! :D
I think you guys deserve a medal for what you do. You are totally amazing. I am in awe of you xx
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14 February 2017
Ha silly bugger.. xx
Trust me we dont.. its what we choose to do.
Yes, but it takes a special kind of person. My daughter is a special needs teacher mainly dealing with children with autism. When she first said she wanted to do that I insisted that she did work experience in a special needs school because I think that their are certain professions that require a certain kind of person.
Don't knock it, what you did for that lady today was damn awesome. She would have been scared out of her skin otherwise. Thank you for being that special person xx


I'm proud of the person that I am today..might sound silly but I was in a relationship that wasn't good for me. I stayed because I always said but he loves me and I thought staying was the best thing I could have done for my family. i fought my own mind for a very long time and found the courage to stand up for myself and left. I was always told I wouldn't amount to anything and I wouldn't be able to cope on my own but I've proved that I can and I am. I have found true love now that however complicated it's love unconditional.
So never be affraid of doing what's right for you...you may just shock yourself xx

Deleted member 3175

Sounds small in comparison to everything else but being there for my son when he played football for his school. After two years of coming last in the tournaments, yesterday the team came first and to be there to support him and seeing the smile on his face was such a proud moment. Especially in the baking sun yesterday x
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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Well for a start i am very proud of myself for getting myself off the ciggies and onto vaping, and when Neil wanted to try vaping to cut down on the ciggies he was smoking i set him up with my first starter kit and kept him going through the times when the setup went wrong. We both vape now and gave up smoking.
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