What Is A Swinging Club?

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15 September 2014
Well, basically a swingers club is a place where people who are interested in swinging or already participate in swinging, can meet up with other like minded individuals.

1 Swinging Club Expectations
The good thing about going to a swingers club is you can just go check it out without any expectation of actually having sex with someone else.
If you are contemplating whether the Swinging Lifestyle is something you’re interested in, this is a great option to have a look, see if it's for you and then take it from there.

It’s much easier to just observe at a club as opposed to going to a house party or a one to one meet.

2 Single Gentlemen In the swinging club
The majority of clubs do have a limit to the number of single men they let in.

Some people are happy with this because it can feel a little awkward when a group of single men stare when a couple comes in.

However if like some couples and ladies, you prefer "greedy girl events" this can be frustrating. But the Greedy Girl Events allow for more gents to attend, obviously.

Occasionally you will find a “unicorn”…the mythical creature described in lore but rarely seen - the single female.

3 Donations & Membership Fees in a swingers club
Some clubs ask or require 'donation' and some clubs actually have a 'membership' fee depending on where the club is located, the type of premises and the type of club it is. Such as a private members club.

Some clubs ask much higher contributions or charge higher fees for single gentlemen, than say ladies for example.
It's not uncommon for a club to charge £50-60 for a gent and £5 for a lady.
This is to entice ladies to come to the clubs.

4 Alcohol in a swingers club

Some clubs operate a BYOB (bring your own beer) policy while other clubs have fully licensed bars.
Always check the clubs rules, etiquette and whether they have a bar or not. Usually you are not permitted to bring your own alcohol into a club that has a bar.
Also it's worth noting that most clubs don't appreciate excessive drinking - you're in a swinging club after all, and most clubs will refuse entry if you turn up drunk.

5 Drugs in a swingers club

All clubs operate a no drugs policy. usually if caught, said members are ejected from the club and banned.

Drugs in the lifestyle is sadly commonplace but a huge no-no.

6 Etiquette and rules of a swinging club

1. Be polite and show common courtesy. A no thank you sounds a lot nicer than a no way!

2. No Drugs. Illegal drugs are not welcome at any swinging environment.

3. Condoms are a must. Nobody is policing this, but it is a general rule. Always assume you should use a condom and always be pro active in making sure one is used. A lot of clubs not only provide condoms in-house, but also expect you to only use theirs.

More information on swinging clubs rules and etiquette can be found here;
Etiquette For Swingers Clubs & Parties

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