What Would You Do If...

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27 April 2015
You had total control of this site for one day?
That means everything, from managing members, managing emails, dealing with PM's to approving images, setting privacy on images and so on.
Yes you will see everyone's photo's etc.

So you have a full 24 hours with the site and you at the helm of this fine ship..
What would you do? :D :whistle::whistle: :bouncy:
hmmmmm, where to start, 1) I would push the site more with some form of advertising structure to get the image we are portraying more widely recognised within the lifestyle. 2)
If a member was not been active on the site for any long period, without very good reason, they would be dropped,
3) I would allow the transfer of genuine verifications (amount only not details) from other sites to allow new members to gain confidence from other members,
4) I would put a ceiling figure on the amount of single guys that could join, to keep swinging couples/females/guys proportional and not too heavily weighted in any particular direction. 5) ensure my immediate staff were skilled enough, and confident enough To run things whilst I had a well deserved holiday. ....... That should do for my first day !!!!


Ok then. I would swap the pictures about in the albums forcing everyone to search through others profiles to find their own. That way they get to see member's profiles that they wouldn't normally look at. :)
All complaints will be responded to with a polite email stating that the complaints service has been suspended pending the outcome of a complaint. :rofl:

All PMs will be posted on the forum and whoever feels like responding can help themselves. Xx:eek:

If the system should break after 2 clicks I Will be on hand with the superglue x:D
I vote Aye for that hehehehe LOVE IT
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15 September 2014
Hmm some good ideas peeps, but mostly already there or things we already do.
Not saying they're not valid ideas, but they are things that we already do either have in place, or do anyway.

Come on peeps all this creativity among you all, there must be something you'd do in one day that will blow the roof off? :D


Erm erm probably blow up the site.
I would seek out all the hotties.. planting subliminal messages on their profiles..
meet the fockers meet the fockers...
in a cultish kind of way :D...

Ok i would.. implement a rule NO flowers trains planes and automobile pics.
No internet pictures.
Perhaps not allow all users the option of seeing who you follow.
Force payment only a small monthly fee.. hey nothing in this life is free.
Bow out a little re- involvement etc.
I shall think of more :D