Whatever Happened To.....roman Orgies?

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9 September 2017
Ever since being a child I've had a fascination with all things Roman ( I always fancied getting togged up in the Roman Centurions outfit :love:)
As I got older and learned more about Roman culture I got particularly interested in the idea of a Roman orgy. They seem so decadent and fun.;)

Now, in the modern age, it seems unlikely that I'll get the chance to attend a “real” Roman orgy. You know, togas, hot baths, decadent surroundings and lots of happy go lucky, sexually free folks who all want to engage in sex with anyone and everyone else in attendance.

However, I'm a little disappointed that there seems no interest in embracing the attitude of the Romans and arranging true orgies at suitable venues. Maybe the togas could be replaced by masquerade masks etc. to add a bit of the exotic.

Am I the only one who thinks this way or are there other secret orgy fantasists out there?

I'd be happy to hold one at my pad but I'd be restricted in numbers (my previous home would have been ideal) and the fact that there may be no-one out there that'd want to come.:cool:

Roman orgy.gif


3 February 2016
Ever since being a child I've had a fascination with all things Roman ( I always fancied getting togged up in the Roman Centurions outfit :love:)
As I got older and learned more about Roman culture I got particularly interested in the idea of a Roman orgy. They seem so decadent and fun.;)

Now, in the modern age, it seems unlikely that I'll get the chance to attend a “real” Roman orgy. You know, togas, hot baths, decadent surroundings and lots of happy go lucky, sexually free folks who all want to engage in sex with anyone and everyone else in attendance.

However, I'm a little disappointed that there seems no interest in embracing the attitude of the Romans and arranging true orgies at suitable venues. Maybe the togas could be replaced by masquerade masks etc. to add a bit of the exotic.

Am I the only one who thinks this way or are there other secret orgy fantasists out there?

I'd be happy to hold one at my pad but I'd be restricted in numbers (my previous home would have been ideal) and the fact that there may be no-one out there that'd want to come.:cool:

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You know theirs loads of evidence that suggests roman orgies were fairly tame affairs more akin to a modern cocktail parties crossed with academic conferences, Geek symposia on the other hand ;)
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Deleted member 3657

Ever since being a child I've had a fascination with all things Roman ( I always fancied getting togged up in the Roman Centurions outfit :love:)
As I got older and learned more about Roman culture I got particularly interested in the idea of a Roman orgy. They seem so decadent and fun.;)

Now, in the modern age, it seems unlikely that I'll get the chance to attend a “real” Roman orgy. You know, togas, hot baths, decadent surroundings and lots of happy go lucky, sexually free folks who all want to engage in sex with anyone and everyone else in attendance.

However, I'm a little disappointed that there seems no interest in embracing the attitude of the Romans and arranging true orgies at suitable venues. Maybe the togas could be replaced by masquerade masks etc. to add a bit of the exotic.

Am I the only one who thinks this way or are there other secret orgy fantasists out there?

I'd be happy to hold one at my pad but I'd be restricted in numbers (my previous home would have been ideal) and the fact that there may be no-one out there that'd want to come.:cool:

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There are clubs that hold parties.
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4 July 2017
*cracks knuckles*
It's an odd one.

It was the Greeks who coined the term orgia, which is a kind of ecstatic and secret ceremonies that took place in certain 'mystery' religions - like the cult of Cylebe (involving castration of priests in a frenzied trance) or the Eleusinian Mysteries. Being secret (that is only open to cult members) the orgia were subject to speculation, tittle-tattle and suspicion - especially by the Romans.

We understand the word orgy as a sex party - but to the ancients, it meant some kind of badass religion, the kind your mother warned you about.
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4 July 2017
Which is not to say that the Romans didn't enjoy a good party.

The orgy scene in Asterix in Switzerland always amused me as a kid...


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4 July 2017
But I digress...

The Greeks, for all their oddities, preached a kind of moderation - their symposia involved watered-down wine, religion and philosophy largely involved denial.

Not the Romans. They had quite a lust for life... and also death... and I would say it's another discussion but the Latin sources tell of gangs of hookers, plying their wares around the Circus Maximus to take advantage of men aroused to a high sexual pitch by gladiatorial shows, wild animals, executions and sundry mutilations.

Nice, eh?

4 July 2017
But when it comes to the Roman party, it depends on wealth, ability and depravity... so the best exemplars were the emperors.

Take Tiberius, for instance - big boozer. Spent a night and two whole days drinking with two men who were subsequently awarded the governorship of Syria and the Prefectureship of the city respectively. Another time, Tiberius was hosted to dinner by Cestius Gallius, "a lustful and prodigal old man," and insisted that his host "should change or omit none of his usual customs," and that nude girls should wait the tables.

I would describe what happened at his palace/retreat on the island of Capri but admin would only scrub it.
4 July 2017
By the time of Nero, there was a figure on the imperial payroll called Petronius. He was Nero's MC, or more accurately elegantiae aribiter, or "Judge of taste" but he was the one who organised the parties.

The historian Tacitus describes Petronius thusly: "A man who passed his days in sleep and his nights in the ordinary duties and recreations of life. Unlike most who walk the road to ruin he was never regarded as either a debauchee or wastrel, but rather as the finished artist in extravagance."

What a guy.
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4 July 2017
I did nearly die laughing when I stumbled upon a Roman writer who was complaining that "Kids these days are only interested in wine, women and fast horses."

Plus ca change, eh?
9 September 2017
Caligula is also quite well known for his love of wild sex parties and orgies. He is rumoured to have held orgies at which he "sold" senators wives as sex slaves to anyone who could pay for their favours !!
There is also currently a huge search going on for the wrecks of his 2/3 gigantic orgy ships.
What a guy (y)
He's always been a bit of an (anti) hero for me (yes, I know that's plainly wrong) both for his wicked ways, bearing in mind my first exposure to him was as a watcher of I, Claudius, and the fact he was born on the same day as me.
Maybe I'm his reincarnation :rofl::whistle::rolleyes:
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10 July 2018
Only ever been in one ‘event’ which could genuinely be described as an orgy; at Paradise Spa (which used to be The Blue Lagoon); started off with four of us playing… and somehow organically grew until a couple of a dozen were playing, in the same room, and were moving from one to another, playing, and everyone was into everyone (with the usual personal no-nos respected).

Thoroughly enjoyed it, but never went looking for similar again, nor was it something I regarded as anything other than a delightful one-off.
9 September 2017
The problem I find is that an awful lot of people state quite clearly that they love the idea of an orgy (or at least a very sexually liberated gathering/party) but I've tried several times to get people together for just such a fun evening and each time I've been left deeply disappointed by the total lack of interest shown.

I really don't know what more I could do to get people involved.

Antogs x
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26 March 2018
The problem I find is that an awful lot of people state quite clearly that they love the idea of an orgy (or at least a very sexually liberated gathering/party) but I've tried several times to get people together for just such a fun evening and each time I've been left deeply disappointed by the total lack of interest shown.

I really don't know what more I could do to get people involved.

Antogs x

Well we are always up for fun in the middle of a mass of writhing bodies

Muse xx