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Wish we could find just one. Spent the last three years looking :(. Last one we met for a social turned round and said she only wanted to play with Mrs Brum. Yet advertised for a cpl
Oh dear 3yrs?.. unfortunately.. this is one of the hardest parts.. finding a lady, who is equally attracted to you both.
Don't forget guys.. its really difficult for a lady, to join an already established couple, who are in a secure loving relationship..and perhaps a little daunting, ive said this so many times.
Put yourselves in their shoes could you do it??
It takes an awful lot of trust, and time to gain it.
A lot of couple's seeking ladies... are doing this, for the males pleasure, and not the females.. another hurdle convincing a lady, its for her/their pleasure, not his.. and the female half of the couple is infact 100% bi-sexual.
Its called a threesome for a reason... there has to be 3 equally involved.. Don't be pushy...
Take your time.
She will let you know, if/when she's interested.
Good Luck, above all show her complete respect.
Ha no more trade secrets ;) x
25 July 2016
Oh dear 3yrs?.. unfortunately.. this is one of the hardest parts.. finding a lady, who is equally attracted to you both.
Don't forget guys.. its really difficult for a lady, to join an already established couple, who are in a secure loving relationship..and perhaps a little daunting, ive said this so many times.
Put yourselves in their shoes could you do it??
It takes an awful lot of trust, and time to gain it.
A lot of couple's seeking ladies... are doing this, for the males pleasure, and not the females.. another hurdle convincing a lady, its for her/their pleasure, not his.. and the female half of the couple is infact 100% bi-sexual.
Its called a threesome for a reason... there has to be 3 equally involved.. Don't be pushy...
Take your time.
She will let you know, if/when she's interested.
Good Luck, above all show her complete respect.
Ha no more trade secrets ;) x

The reason we got into swinging was because Mrs Brum wanted a three sum. At the time she was bi curious now she is fully bi.
To be honest we have stopped looking for a single female and if it happens then great
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15 September 2014
The reason we got into swinging was because Mrs Brum wanted a three sum. At the time she was bi curious now she is fully bi.
To be honest we have stopped looking for a single female and if it happens then great
Sometimes it happens when you least expect it... ;)

@meet_the_fockers raised some valuable points there too. One in particular that I think should be drawn upon;
its really difficult for a lady, to join an already established couple, who are in a secure loving relationship..and perhaps a little daunting, ive said this so many times.
Put yourselves in their shoes could you do it??
It takes an awful lot of trust, and time to gain it.
A lot of couple's seeking ladies... are doing this, for the males pleasure, and not the females.. another hurdle convincing a lady, its for her/their pleasure, not his.. and the female half of the couple is infact 100% bi-sexual.
Its called a threesome for a reason... there has to be 3 equally involved.. Don't be pushy...
This... (y)
This is the single most difficult part for single ladies to accept and understand.
Because so many couples' portray it's for the females benefit when it's not always the case and usually for the males benefit.. And most of all, the lady has to trust you with everything, after all she is being invited and entrusted into the couples' loving relationship and bond.
Not an easy task whatsoever and a lot of the reasons why it can be challenging for so many people.
Trust, communications and honesty are the most important factors.
Some also forget that it really does and should be - all three. An entanglement and involvement of all three concerned. Encapsulating the whole experience..
The rewards for all concerned though as soo worth it!
:) x


The reason we got into swinging was because Mrs Brum wanted a three sum. At the time she was bi curious now she is fully bi.
To be honest we have stopped looking for a single female and if it happens then great
Yes stop looking or you will drive yourself nuts... just relax..
They are like buses you know... :whistle: :D... xxx


There requireth a sit down chat between hubby and wife on the rules of engagement. Draw a line in the sand and agree not to cross it. If it were me then initially I'd insist on wife, girlfriend, partner be only one allowed to engage with the the third individual for the first meets until I'm satisfied it's what she really wants. Sure I'd take part but only with my partner. However I can only surmise on how I'd go about it not having been in that situation before. I have been the third part though and walked away from meets because the couple hadn't thought things through first which is why I'd be apprehensive toward meeting first timers.
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19 March 2015
Actually pokemon is great. Me and my friends take the dog and walk down the river, get an ice cream and drinks, go chill on the meadows in chester and explore places around town and encourages you to walk and socialise with your friends more we have found, yes its geeky but if you are into things like anime etc then who cares! I enjoy the time with my friends and Blue gets a good walk too
Our sons today went Pokemon hunting. We remember this first time around of course..
Bless, kids love it don't they.. walks, ice-creams.. catching Pokemon's ..
Apps that encourage you to walk and socialise? Fook me is that what the world has come to? o_O
Then yes it has really, and it's a good thing for children today as it gets them out, and talking to people and socialising.
Off their arses and doing things.. Not sitting around festering.
Kids will be kids though. Try taking their new dummies away (Pokemon hunting) and watch out, you'll not live it down.
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Currently working 5 x 12 hour shifts a week .... 9-5 would feel like part time!!


3 February 2016
Since today is the first day of the Edor Festival, I want to add horse racing to list of things that are popular but shouldn't be and especially the big race meetings York holds.
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