Because gents are the only gender,in which it seems socially acceptable to publicly bash.If women and couples were called out for their behaviour, as much as men,then their reputation wouldn't be that far behind
Men uses a cock pic/wrong!!
Women plasters her vag everywhere/ embracing sexuality
Men uses a pic attached to a woman/ does she know you used her pic
Women uses a pic sucking cock/ wow you look like you're enjoying that
Couple uses a group photo/ You're so lucky.Bet that was fun
Man stands women up for a meet/ his loss,what a prick.He could have atleast let you know.
Woman stands man up/maybe she just wasn't feeling it.It's her right if she doesn't feel comfortable.She doesn't owe him an explanation,if he's done something to put her off.
Couple stands up a meet./commitments came up,they have a life maybe they don't have time to give you a reason.It's wrong to think their life should revolve around you.
Men messages a women to meet for sex in first message/ wrong!!
Women messages men for meet in first message/ she's horny and honest about what she wants.
Couple messages saturday night at 11.30pm "free now?"/ Standard,because life commitments mean they don't have time to plan
Men tells woman she's a fat slag for not replying/ c#$t
Woman calls another woman a bitch for not replying/ why didn't you reply with a no thankyou?
Couple calls you a bitch/ I bet it was the male half.It wasn't.
Man wants a woman who looks after herself/ narcissistic arsehole
Women wants a hunky man/ preferences
Couple want in shape people/ preferences
Man has profile just saying "so and so yr old man looking for anything" / boring and probably a timewaster/player
Woman has "so and so yr old women looking to meet likeminded people"/ doesn't matter what she writes in a profile. She maybe Doesn't want to attract messages.She can explain in messages what she wants.She doesn't have to share with everyone.
Couple has " Just looking to broaden our fun" as profile text/ Taking their time to discover what they want so they can fill in as they go.
These are all scenarios that have been spoken about,over other social sites and are variations of real answers ,given by people and alot of people had the same sort of answers.
But anyway yes some men do shitty things, and get themselves a bad reputation ?
What could be helped in stopping it, is not saying "we".There are people who are entitled pricks,people who are just nasty people.And by calling them all out,and evening the playing field, would make for a better experience for everyone.
But on here you wouldn't find that sort of worst behaviour that some people get that rep for.I'm the nosiest bugger ever ,and I haven't spotted any people who are c##ts.They're back out again as quick as they can say hi ? x
I have a pet hate of group men bashing btw ? x