Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas From Social Swinging

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15 September 2014
Hello all you Sexy Peeps,
We would like to wish every one of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Social Swinging..

What a year it's been! Phew.. We started out in August last year, went live on March the 1st and have steamrolled our ways into 2015.
We have gained some extremely nice members along the way, picked up and dropped one or two bad eggs too - their loss!
But we have gained some amazing members, some amazing clubs have joined and we've just had nothing but good vibes from all of you.

We started this in a bid to change how swinging is not only experienced online, as some of the other sites out there are questionable :whistle: - but also how swinging is perceived to the outside world.
Swinging online and on other sites- is viewed no less as basically a porn site. Our mission if you will is not only to get all you sexy buggers together, but to also help educate those among us who have NO idea what swinging is...
So far I think we're doing a bloody good job.

There's been some changes along the way in our first year.. New features, some dropped. Some adjusted. Big votes and then features requested by YOU which we then put in! Your input made some of the biggest changes here.

Some changes with staff, admittedly there have been some chops and changes with staff and hopefully now after almost a year - we have the right balance of admins and moderators, and last but not least of course our live agony aunt service.
We have an amazing new admin on board who simply put, adds a spring in the step of SS.. And she is settling in perfectly. Our mods are friendly, happy, know their jobs but are professional at all times.

To all staff we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts - you do this voluntarily and unpaid, and we appreciate every minute you give to this. xx

@meet_the_fockers @riccarda @Therapon @ShhhAgonyAunt

Sadly some of you have faced deeply personal challenges, some heartbreak even some grief and sorrow.. But we were always there for you and never left you.
Others have left due to various reasons, real life, some with personal circumstances and others who simply don't find it's for them - it happens.. but I am PROUD to say that we have an amazing base of solid, genuine and friendly members here - without which, this site would not continue to flourish the way it currently is.

Next year I see SS only going from strength to strength.. We've shaken the 'competition' up (not really competition as we're a different class...:whistle: ) , we're gaining members continuously and we're always evolving.

We know each of you here, and cherish all of you... We've made sure from the start that this is a fun, safe, friendly and relaxed place to be - and it will never change.

Thank you for putting up with me, from my "Head in the matrix" changes, to odd posts off me if I've had one too many, to my now infamous "Floating Ommmm" status..

Thank you for being yourselves, thank you for being here but most of all thank you for your continued support of the site, our aims and ambitions - and ethos.

Build it, and they will come. Well we did, and you did!

Next year we have some big changes coming and watch this space peeps...
Also we are going to go from strength to strength and I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year.
Enjoy the parties, enjoy the festivities - most of all enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

We also wish you all a very healthy and prosperous 2016. May all of your dreams and wishes come true.

Lots of love and best wishes
Admin & Pearls xxx
27 April 2015
From our point of view, you've all (Admins and Staff alike), given us all a credible safe meeting point, to meet like minded adults, and have a lot of fun, whilst making New permenant friends and of course have great sex too which is what the site is all about. We look forward with anticipation to the changes you are planning in 2016, and look forward to sharing in the success story that is Social Swinging.
You have changed the perception of Swinging for us, from been a dirty sordid fuck club, to an enjoyable pastime we can't wait to share with others.
Thank You Social Swinging for bringing us into the 21st century xxxx



OK I stumbled upon this bloody site, whilst browsing as you do :whistle:
I thought aha why not who says i cant use two sites, greedy girl indeedy.
What did i find...
i found a pair of lovely owners who strive tirelessly..endlessly.. to make a site, a site that they are determined to make stand out from the crowd.
I descended upon them like some dementated whizz head.. i have later learnt, i was placed on the ok watch this bozo shes bonkers list!! How bloody rude.
A strong freindship was formed... i learnt the amount of time and effort that goes into the running of this site.. the SACRIFICES theyve been through and are still going through. I got to know the real behind the scenes people the people you call @Admin and @Pearls..
It was then they hit me with it oh yes admin?? hmm why?? Christ only knows IT me haha.. but im learning and this little padawan is learning fast
.. Can you believe i was actually sent an online questionaire?!! :eek:
These guys are here, morning noon and night.. their here regardless of their family problems.. their ill health are sometimes dragged from pillar to post..and tested to the max to make your experience a good/ fantastic one. How??god only knows .. you know me id be quite tempted to give the two finger salute.. :p
We are a family.. i am proud of them and very proud of what theyve acheived and continue to acheive...
i am proud to have met some wonderful characters along the way.. its not been a bed of roses... some things where sent to try us...
My motto i kept spouting to our leader..
I see great things for this site.. its growing..
Thanks to them and YOU!
So id like to thankyou all for being here... although sometimes id like to whip your arses!!:D

Id like to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS...
Id also like to extend it to the boss man and his adorable wife... @Admin and @Pearls mwahhhhhhh♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Xxxxx long may your success reign.... xxxxmerry-christmas-0838-naughty.gif xxxxxxxxxx


18 July 2015

OK I stumbled upon this bloody site, whilst browsing as you do :whistle:
I thought aha why not who says i cant use two sites, greedy girl indeedy.
What did i find...
i found a pair of lovely owners who strive tirelessly..endlessly.. to make a site, a site that they are determined to make stand out from the crowd.
I descended upon them like some dementated whizz head.. i have later learnt, i was placed on the ok watch this bozo shes bonkers list!! How bloody rude.
A strong freindship was formed... i learnt the amount of time and effort that goes into the running of this site.. the SACRIFICES theyve been through and are still going through. I got to know the real behind the scenes people the people you call @Admin and @Pearls..
It was then they hit me with it oh yes admin?? hmm why?? Christ only knows IT me haha.. but im learning and this little padawan is learning fast
.. Can you believe i was actually sent an online questionaire?!! :eek:
These guys are here, morning noon and night.. their here regardless of their family problems.. their ill health are sometimes dragged from pillar to post..and tested to the max to make your experience a good/ fantastic one. How??god only knows .. you know me id be quite tempted to give the two finger salute.. :p
We are a family.. i am proud of them and very proud of what theyve acheived and continue to acheive...
i am proud to have met some wonderful characters along the way.. its not been a bed of roses... some things where sent to try us...
My motto i kept spouting to our leader..
I see great things for this site.. its growing..
Thanks to them and YOU!
So id like to thankyou all for being here... although sometimes id like to whip your arses!!:D

Id like to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS...
Id also like to extend it to the boss man and his adorable wife... @Admin and @Pearls mwahhhhhhh♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Xxxxx long may your success reign.... xxxxView attachment 8953 xxxxxxxxxx
Ummmm I have no words atm hun, crying like a fool xxx


15 September 2014

OK I stumbled upon this bloody site, whilst browsing as you do :whistle:
I thought aha why not who says i cant use two sites, greedy girl indeedy.
What did i find...
i found a pair of lovely owners who strive tirelessly..endlessly.. to make a site, a site that they are determined to make stand out from the crowd.
I descended upon them like some dementated whizz head.. i have later learnt, i was placed on the ok watch this bozo shes bonkers list!! How bloody rude.
A strong freindship was formed... i learnt the amount of time and effort that goes into the running of this site.. the SACRIFICES theyve been through and are still going through. I got to know the real behind the scenes people the people you call @Admin and @Pearls..
It was then they hit me with it oh yes admin?? hmm why?? Christ only knows IT me haha.. but im learning and this little padawan is learning fast
.. Can you believe i was actually sent an online questionaire?!! :eek:
These guys are here, morning noon and night.. their here regardless of their family problems.. their ill health are sometimes dragged from pillar to post..and tested to the max to make your experience a good/ fantastic one. How??god only knows .. you know me id be quite tempted to give the two finger salute.. :p
We are a family.. i am proud of them and very proud of what theyve acheived and continue to acheive...
i am proud to have met some wonderful characters along the way.. its not been a bed of roses... some things where sent to try us...
My motto i kept spouting to our leader..
I see great things for this site.. its growing..
Thanks to them and YOU!
So id like to thankyou all for being here... although sometimes id like to whip your arses!!:D

Id like to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS...
Id also like to extend it to the boss man and his adorable wife... @Admin and @Pearls mwahhhhhhh♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Xxxxx long may your success reign.... xxxxView attachment 8953 xxxxxxxxxx
Wow... Well admittedly this certainly put a lump in my throat this morning when I read it.
What can I say to that?
You ARE my little Padawan and we love you to bits.
Yes a questionnaire - epic wasn't it. ;) and you topped it and really cracked us up when we read it.. This is why we knew you were meant for it.
As I said many times, being IT literate is only a part of the puzzle. As I said at the time as as you've quickly learnt, it's not strictly necessary. (It is but not as much as you initially thought for now anyway) :D

You really are the only person on the site, who sees behind the scenes and how much we put into this, tirelessly and continuously. And I am grateful for you recognising just how much we put into this. xx

This site has evolved and developed into what we are because of you too. You work non stop stupid shifts saving people's lives - yes this is what the fine lady does peeps.. You have a family and yet you are here buzzing around the place like Mary Poppins. :love:
It wouldn't be the same without you here, and you know that.
You've helped make it what it is. If we were a sundae, you are the cherry on top. And I mean that.

Truthfully I don't know what else to say besides thank you and I hope you have an amazing Christmas and wish you every health and happiness for next year.
Thank you so much for all the work you do here, and long may it continue..
Best wishes and thank you.
A & P xxxx


15 September 2014
Also a huge thank you to everyone else for your heart felt replies..
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and healthy, wealthy and prosperous 2016 xx


11 August 2015

OK I stumbled upon this bloody site, whilst browsing as you do :whistle:
I thought aha why not who says i cant use two sites, greedy girl indeedy.
What did i find...
i found a pair of lovely owners who strive tirelessly..endlessly.. to make a site, a site that they are determined to make stand out from the crowd.
I descended upon them like some dementated whizz head.. i have later learnt, i was placed on the ok watch this bozo shes bonkers list!! How bloody rude.
A strong freindship was formed... i learnt the amount of time and effort that goes into the running of this site.. the SACRIFICES theyve been through and are still going through. I got to know the real behind the scenes people the people you call @Admin and @Pearls..
It was then they hit me with it oh yes admin?? hmm why?? Christ only knows IT me haha.. but im learning and this little padawan is learning fast
.. Can you believe i was actually sent an online questionaire?!! :eek:
These guys are here, morning noon and night.. their here regardless of their family problems.. their ill health are sometimes dragged from pillar to post..and tested to the max to make your experience a good/ fantastic one. How??god only knows .. you know me id be quite tempted to give the two finger salute.. :p
We are a family.. i am proud of them and very proud of what theyve acheived and continue to acheive...
i am proud to have met some wonderful characters along the way.. its not been a bed of roses... some things where sent to try us...
My motto i kept spouting to our leader..
I see great things for this site.. its growing..
Thanks to them and YOU!
So id like to thankyou all for being here... although sometimes id like to whip your arses!!:D

Id like to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS...
Id also like to extend it to the boss man and his adorable wife... @Admin and @Pearls mwahhhhhhh♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Xxxxx long may your success reign.... xxxx xxxxxxxxxx

I can't imagine why thay would have added you to the list :whistle:

And a lot of what you have written - well I will reluctantly agree:Dthe same applies to you.
18 October 2015
Thanks to everybody involved with the site your combined efforts have made me and looby very welcome we.wish you all a happy Christmas and happy new year. Its a given that with the direction and dedication that you have all shown this year success and growth can be the only outcome next year.

Admin just remember if required im am the perfect crash test dummy for your system thanks for your patience:xmas::xmas:
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:xmas-puds:I hope all Admin staff and members of this site have a great Xmas and New Year, as without all the hard work done by the site owners, admin and contributions from the members, this site would not exist :) :christmas_tree:
and to the sexiest girl Biba :xmas: have a great Xmas baby xxxx
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15 September 2014
I will be including this in our newsletter email today, the newsletter will be dropped in order for our Christmas wishes.
So I apologise to those who read it, for the duplicate content :) x
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15 September 2014
One step closer to Christmas and I hope you really all have an amazing time spent with friends and family.
Thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and roll on 2016!
Admin x :)
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