Your Best Advice.....

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26 July 2016
My Dad's one and only bit of advice he ever gave me was. Get all your shagging done before your 50. My mum always said to me. Always be the best person you can be and always keep an eye out for those who need help as it might be you some day.
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27 April 2015
They used to be like this the classic Routemaster ...a London legend :tiphat:
View attachment 24918
Trust me busses no matter how big or small will do serious damage if your hit by one, the driver will always put the safety of his passengers and their well being first over the person that steps out in front of his bus, (the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the one) xxxx
22 March 2015
Always be respectful and treat people you love as you would when it was the first time you met. X
26 July 2016
Not so much a saying or advice more of a warning really. My dad used to say if the police ever come here looking for you I will defend you till my last breath if your innocent and bloody kill you if your not. I honestly believe he actually meant it too


There's no point plugging your ass with your thumb after you've shat yourself..........
19 March 2015
Nope.. its still very sad....
Keep your enemies closer kinda thing? :rolleyes: give over! X
Hmm don't know about going that far. :D But always take care of yourself first. If you have anything important you need to keep sound - then tell no one.
There's one person you can always totally depend on without question; yourself. x
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Deleted member 1402

You know how it is sometimes though..... And yes it is very.. But sometimes the best advice to anyone can be; look out for yourself first. xx

Whilst I get this, as I've been hurt by so many muppets on the scene, once in a while you put that trust in somebody and it restores your faith.
I've just learnt to be more selective.
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Hmm don't know about going that far. :D But always take care of yourself first. If you have anything important you need to keep sound - then tell no one.
There's one person you can always totally depend on without question; yourself. x
:rofl: give over.. i know secrets :whistle: ;)

I would change it to be careful who you trust :D