Mass Shootings In American Gay Club Orlando

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19 March 2015
Here we go.....Apparently the gunman had IS links and pledged allegiance to IS :(

The man suspected of shooting at least 50 people dead at a Florida nightclub reportedly called 911 before the attack to pledge allegiance to Islamic State.
Omar Mateen, 29, is a Muslim American of Afghan descent and police are investigating whether the shooting was a hate crime or whether he had links to the terrorist group.
IS-linked news agency Amaq quoted a statement: "The attack that targeted a nightclub for homosexuals in Orlando, Florida and that left more than 100 dead and wounded was carried out by an Islamic State fighter."
Suspect's Links To Islamic State Probed
What a mess... Those poor people and their families and loved ones.
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4 May 2016
@Lips_Pearls. Have lived there for over 15 years of my life, including Pennsylvania, Florida and Connecticut, and have 1 degree of separation from folk killed in 911 and in Sandy Hook. Friends also heard the guns going off in Sandy Hook and see how the victims are now being vilified by gun enthusiasts. My wife is American and politically connected.
19 March 2015
@Lips_Pearls. Have lived there for over 15 years of my life, including Pennsylvania, Florida and Connecticut, and have 1 degree of separation from folk killed in 911 and in Sandy Hook. Friends also heard the guns going off in Sandy Hook and see how the victims are now being vilified by gun enthusiasts. My wife is American and politically connected.
Ah okay it makes perfect sense then.. And yes they are and it's an epidemic.
By the way if you do the AT symbol @ and a name, you won't need to hyperlink... after the @ and a letter starting with the person's name you wish to tag, it will work.
Example @Haitink

I just wish the powers that be in the US would realise that this issue is actually making their country lag behind as far as modern civilisation is concerned. As I said earlier, it's 2016 not 1816.

So many people dead in one go. So so sad..
Saying that we'd dealt with this kind of terrorism for years by the IRA.
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Deleted member 2978

I lost several friends in NYC 9/11 and two former commanders in the pentagon attack. My daughter Lived in NYC at the time and worked near Times Square while living in Queens. I lived in CT from 1989 when I separated from the USAF until I moved to the UK in 2009. I know 2 State social works in CT who carry a gun due to being attacked by people in the communities the work in. My 2 oldest daughters and my son were 1/2 between the bombs that went off at the Boston Marathon April 18th 2013(that scared the crap out of me as I knew they were going to watch the finish of the race after the end of the baseball game at Fenway park and I attempted to call them but could not get thru(thank god for Facebook on that day)) I lost high school and college friends in Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. one of my best HS friends was on board the USS Cole when they suicide-bombed it in the harbour at Aden during refuelling. Terrorist attacks occur too many times for me to say I will give up my guns for a safer world because what will happen is the evil and criminal ones in the world will be the only one with guns. I have yet to see anyone show statistics about those crimes that were committed using a gun and whether the gun was legally purchased and used by it owner or it was a stolen or illegal weapon. toughening the laws wont stop the black market so it needs to be addressed some other way. One of the most common problems is a criminal wrestling the gun away from a police officer and shooting him with it. Colt Firearms developed a pistol grip with a built in handprint sensor which would disable the weapon if the hand holding it was not in its database. I hope that technology will help us to resolve this issue because a ban on the possession of guns wont work. I used to work in Manchester at a recreation facility and our facility was used by local police as well as Scotland Yard for training on protection of VIP/Dignitaries. I had a nice long chat with a Yard Capt about firearms usage in the UK and he said that over the past 5 years alone he has seen a 25% increase in firearms usage in crimes. A ban just wont work unless you take all the manufacturers of weapons and shut them down. I an perfect world that is what I would do...of course then you would have several hundred thousand people all over the world with no jobs.

I have travelled throughout Europe ( fly 2 days after Lockerbie bombing on the same flight number with 4 kids and about sweating and worrying) and I have a son-in-law and 2 daughters who travel extensively all over the world (one just flew to Japan for a week on a Fulbright Iternship. The other works for the New England Patriots and coordinated their last trip over to London to play at Wembly Stadium). I would love for the world to just get a grip and stop all this craziness.
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Deleted member 2978

I agree refresher gun safety should be mandatory every 2 years along with qualifying with a minimial score on a shooting range especially for Hand gun owners. I would be much happier knowing that the person who draws his gun to help law enforcement can hit what he aims at and not the innocent person 10 feet to the right.....
4 May 2016
The problem with ISIL claims is that they don't have an organisation to plan these atrocities, all they do is promote insurrection. Essentially that means whenever some arsehole with tenuous Islamic connections surfaces they can claim ownership. In practice he probably had much the same relationship with ISIL as he did with Guns and Ammo magazines: we haven't quite yet put Guns and Ammo on the terrorist black list.

One big issue is that mass shootings are becoming the version du jour of suicide by cop and our sensationalising them is just encouraging more. The media are partly to blame: whilst I would never prevent them reporting the event, turning them into reality TV shows is irresponsible and only encourages repetition.
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19 March 2015
One big issue is that mass shootings are becoming the version du jour of suicide by cop and our sensationalising them is just encouraging more. The media are partly to blame: whilst I would never prevent them reporting the event, turning them into reality TV shows is irresponsible and only encourages repetition.
This is the biggest issue; making martyrs and glorifying their behaviour.
Two things IS/ISIL are very good at, propaganda and creating Islamophobia.
By doing such things, claiming and be that whether behind this atrocity or not, people will turn against Muslim communities. Which thus ensures persecution of Muslims.
This is of course, perfect for a doctrine as the more 'persecuted' they become, the more the Muslim communities will fight back to fight against this persecution and repression.

Additionally IS/ISIL have long wanted one thing from us and America, specifically moreso America and that is; boots on the ground.
While I am very sorry for the losses over this weekend, I also can't help but ask myself - what happens next. What happens from now. My eyes if a Military advisor, would be firmly fixed on Raqqa.. They want boots on the ground to fight us on their turf.
I fear they may have just done this.

One more thing - the last two weeks the threats were supposedly aimed towards Euro 2016. What a bluff they pulled off...
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Idiots indeed. They cannot see his argument, this was a homophobic AND terrorist attack.. No they want to get away from that with 'lunatic' and crazy man etc..
And thank you.. Felt a little something should be done.. xx
I read the txt a son sent to his mother ... so sad... xxx

Deleted member 3289

A sensitive and sophisticated commentary here amongst all the rhetoric on other media. Elements of the issues I don't get:
How can there be any justification for selling such 'heavy' weapons, even to seemingly mentally stable people. Just wanting to buy such weapons puts a big question mark over somebody's mental stability for me.
Is it wrong to show extra solidarity to people we can relate to in countries we are familiar with? It seems there are frequent and brutal, mass murders in other parts of the world that go largely unnoticed. They too are mothers' sons and someone's loved-ones.
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Afternoon all,
Sad news again today. Have you seen it?
A Florida Gay club has been subjected to a mass shooting killing at least 20 innocent club goers, and a minimum of 43 are in hospital receiving treatment for gunshot wounds etc.

The attack was made by a man using an assault rifle, and he was also carrying a handgun and other devices - one device quite possibly a suicide vest.
The police at the scene said the gunman is apparently leaning towards Radical Islamist ideologies.

I heard it on the news this morning and instantly thought of two things.
1, Radical Islam
2, When are the US (with all due respect) going to sort their gun laws out?

I feel for all the victims and relatives of the victims..
Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - at least 20 dead - BBC News

I can't help but feel that whilst this may possibly have been a terrorist attack of course, but when are the US going to sort out their gun laws and manage all the accessibility and ease of access to weapons over there? and I mean that with the utmost respect to those across the pond and to members here from America...

You can readily buy assault rifles, grenade launchers, sniper rifles, and serious weaponry which let's face it, should be left to military use only.

Thoughts and prayers go out to those poor families affected by this vile act of hate and evil.
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A sensitive and sophisticated commentary here amongst all the rhetoric on other media. Elements of the issues I don't get:
How can there be any justification for selling such 'heavy' weapons, even to seemingly mentally stable people. Just wanting to buy such weapons puts a big question mark over somebody's mental stability for me.
Is it wrong to show extra solidarity to people we can relate to in countries we are familiar with? It seems there are frequent and brutal, mass murders in other parts of the world that go largely unnoticed. They too are mothers' sons and someone's loved-ones.
I don't think people are neccesarily showing extra, solidarity hun, because of who these people are.
I just think its very prevalent in the news right now, hence the solidary.
Its had massive news coverage, so you'd have to live in outer mongolia, for the monstrocity of this tragedy, not to reach your eyes and ears, and have an effect.
Granted there have been are equaly, horrific events, that have been gut wrenching, it doesnt mean, that people are less affected.
I just think this has reached the masses very quickly, hence being mentioned here. X
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19 March 2015
Our thoughts are with the family of the Paris policeman and his wife who were murdered last night in his Paris home, leaving behind their 3 year old child who was also taken hostage but survived.
The killer did it in the name of ISIS and they have said it was to do with them.
Sad times.. :( x
Paris police killing 'a terrorist act' says Hollande, after attacker pledged allegiance to Isil and stabbed policeman and his wife

Paris police killing 'a terrorist act' says Hollande, after attacker pledged allegiance to Isil and stabbed policeman and his wife
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